Author Information
Louis L'Amour
  • Bibliography:
    169 Books (6 Series)
  • First Book:
    January 1939
  • Latest Book:
    October 2022
  • Author Rating:
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About the Author

Louis L’Amour was born on March 22, 1908. He is the much-loved author of over 100 works. He is best known for his Western fiction novels but has also written historical fiction, science fiction, nonfiction, poetry and short stories.

He was born in Jamestown, North Dakota where he played “Cowboys and Indians” in the family barn and spent a great deal of time in the library. He traveled all over the West and the world. He met many colorful characters that later became inspirations for his novels. He started writing and eventually his stories appeared in pulp magazines.

He continued to travel the world as a merchant seaman and as a transport officer during World War II. He continued to work as a writer during this time. In the 1950s he began selling novels. Several of his novels have been made into films including Hondo, Conagher, and the Shadow Riders.

President Ronald Reagan presented L’Amour with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1984.

He died in 1988 of lung cancer.

Full Series List in Order


Bowdrie (Feb-1983)
Bowdrie's Law (Mar-1983)

Chantry Family

The Ferguson Rifle (Jan-1973)
Over on the Dry Side (Jan-1975)
Borden Chantry (Oct-1977)
Fair Blows the Wind (Jan-1978)

The Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour

4 - The Adventure Stories (Nov-2006)
5 - The Frontier Stories (Nov-2007)

A Hopalong Cassidy Novel

1 - The Riders of High Rock (May-1993)
2 - The Trail to Seven Pines (Jun-1992)
3 - The Rustlers of West Fork (May-1991)
4 - Trouble Shooter (Apr-1994)


1 - Sackett's Land (Sep-1974)
2 - To the Far Blue Mountains (Oct-1976)
3 - The Warrior's Path (Jul-1980)
4 - Jubal Sackett (Jun-1985)
5 - Ride the River (Jun-1983)
6 - The Daybreakers (Feb-1960)
7 - The Courting of Griselda (May-1997)
8 - Lando (Dec-1962)
9 - Sackett (May-1961)
10 - Booty for a Badman (Sep-1982)
11 - Mojave Crossing (Jan-1964)
12 - The Sackett Brand (Jun-1965)
13 - The Sky-Liners (Apr-1967)
14 - Lonely Men (May-1969)
15 - Mustang Man (May-1966)
16 - Galloway (Jul-1970)
17 - Treasure Mountain (Oct-1972)
18 - Ride the Dark Trail (Jul-1972)
19 - Lonely on the Mountain (Nov-1980)

Talon and Chantry

1 - Borden Chantry (Oct-1977)
2 - Fair Blows the Wind (Jan-1978)
3 - The Ferguson Rifle (Jan-1973)
4 - The Man from the Broken Hills (Oct-1975)
5 - Milo Talon (Aug-1981)
6 - North to the Rails (Jan-1971)
7 - Over on the Dry Side (Jan-1975)
8 - Rivers West (Mar-1975)

Book List in Order: 169 titles

  • Smoke From This Altar, a book that has become legendary among Louis L'Amour readers, is the very first book L'Amour ever published. It appeared, to great critical praise, for sale only in Oklahoma bookstores more than fifty years ago. Since then it h...

  • DON'T GO! An urgently whispered message in an empty stable warned Matt Bardoul, told him to steer clear of the wagon train heading for the rich pasture of the Big Horns and the gold. Bardoul bought in anyway -- with as poisonous a pack of sidewind...

  • No writer is associated more closely with the American West than Louis L'Amour. Collected here are two of his most exciting works, in their original forms. The title story, a tale of stagecoach robbery and frontier justice, is finally available in it...

  • Rafe Caradec was a man who always rode at the ready, hardened by a life spent among ruthless men who played for the highest stakes. The only thing Rafe held sacred was his word--and now he had sworn to a dying man that he would save his Long Valley r...

  • THE MAN CALLED HONDO He was a big man, wide shouldered, with the lean, hard-boned face of the desert rider. There was no softness in him. His toughness was ingrained and deep, without cruelty, yet quick, hard, and dangerous. Whatever wells of gent...

  • Alton Burwick was itching to make a big land grab at Yellow Butte. But first, he had to drive the tough band of squatters from the range. So he rounded up a bunch of killers for the job, and hired Tom Kedrick to ramrod the crew, never mentioning that...

  • He came to the valley of the whispering wind a nun who rode with the caution born of riding long on strange trails in a land untamed and restless with danger. Kilkenny could find no peace in the valley for he came with a reputation for a lightning dr...

  • TWO RAW GIANTS Clay Bell had out-fought renegades, rustlers and wild animals to build his own spread out of an untamed wilderness. Jud Devitt was rich, powerful, ruthless. He recognized only one law--take what you can, when you can. Devitt wanted ...

  • HELLER WITH A GUN It was a hard land that bred hard men to hard ways. King Mabry survived by his guns. He wasn't proud of his deadly skill, nor was he ashamed. He just lived with it every hard day on the frontier. When a traveling theatrical troup...

  • By the time he was twenty, Rye Tyler had killed ten men. He had come west in a wagon train, seen the Indians kill his family and been left on his own in a harsh and wild country. From that brutal lesson Rye learned the harsh law of survival: the only...

  • They had him cornered--up on a canyon rim with no way to go but down! There was a rock big as a buckboard right on the edge of the cliff. Trace Jordan bent, took hold and heaved. He felt his wound bust loose, but the rock rolled free. There was the r...

  • GUNFIGHTER'S REVENGE I found the old man as he lay dying in a niche of rock near the spring, his body riddled with bullets. His eyes rested on mine as I went down on my knees beside him. "You," he gasped. "I leave all I have to you, Matt Brennan. Nev...

  • Logan Cates knew the many ways the Arizona desert could kill a man. He had ridden the sunblasted dunes, tracked the Apache over barren lava beds, sheltered in the dry washes of this forbidding land. Above all, he knew a man needed water to survive. C...

  • Rock Bannon rode a steel-dust stallion that was as stubborn and leather-tough as he was. Scouting for a wagon train full of high hopes, Rock saved the Eastern-bred settlers from a brutal Indian attack. But they paid him back with scorn when he advise...

  • IN A FROZEN WILDERNESS CALLED ALASKA, A MAN COULD FIND HIS LIFE, OR LOSE IT.... He was born in the swamps of the Eastern States, and came of age on the frontier. An adventurer, a sailor, and a man who braved any risk, Jean LaBarge found a challeng...

  • ONE SPREAD That's all there was room for--and it was Radigan's! But beautiful Angelina Foley came up from Texas with three thousand head of cattle, an outfit of hardcase gunhands, and an old Spanish grant to Radigan's land. "It's my land," said Ra...

  • HERE LIES SAM BARLOW COWARD -- THIEF -- MURDERER KILLED BY CULLEN BAKER I burned those words on a rough board, dug the grave deep and left them for Barlow to see. Then I started practicing with my Colt ten hours a day, till it leaped into my h...

  • MARKED FOR DEATH Taggart was riding like hell through the red heart of Apache country. A bounty hunter--the deadliest lawman in the West--was hot behind him. Then Taggart met the girl. She had a mule packtrain loaded with pure, raw gold, and the A...

  • He came out of the Malpais, the terrible volcanic badlands where nothing can live, riding a giant red stallion no other man could put a hand to. His boots were polished, his speech was gentle, but his guns were quick and smooth as silk. He shot first...

  • I'M TYREL SACKETT AND I WAS BORN TO TROUBLE... I killed a man in Tennessee, fair and square, but me and my brother Orrin hit the trail west. Those were the years when decent men and women went in fear of Indians, rustlers and killers, but we made ...

  • "I'M TELL SACKETT!" "Oldest brother to Orrin Sackett, the lawmaker, and Tye Sackett, the Mora gunfighter . . . I had to kill a man in Texas so I've drifted. Came upon a vein of pure gold in high, lonesome country. All I wanted was enough to buy me...

  • Many a hardcase had died trying to take the bank in Obaro. Considine aimed to break the bank and settle an old score at the same time. But he never counted on meeting a beautiful woman and her trail-savvy but reckless father, headed straight for Apac...

  • BROTHERS IN BLOOD The job was to take a herd of longhorns across Texas to New Mexico and a fertile graze. For Dan Killoe it meant a chance to prove himself to his father and the hands who worked along Cowhouse Creek. It also meant riding alongside...

  • LONE WOLF He was a white man as cunning as any Indian, a brooding man who trusted in nothing but his weapon and his horse. Now Shalako was determined to cross the bleak Sonoran Desert -- the Apaches' killing ground -- by himself. But then he found...

  • BAREFISTED SACKETT Lando Sackett got to Texas with a well-oiled hogleg, a racing mule that didn't look worth its salt and a damn good idea of the whereabouts of buried gold across the border in Mexico. In Mexico he had bad luck. His party had t...

  • GOLD FEVER Catlow heard the legend of the Mexican gold. Catlow hijacked the mule train carrying it. Catlow knew the U.S. law and the entire Mexican Army were at his backside. Catlow didn't give a damn. He knew all the answers--except how to get th...

  • He lived footloose and fancy-free. He could work the saloons and dance halls all the way from Texas to the last frontier--and he did. When he met the girl, he started playing his cards close to his vest. This girl was one thing he didn't want to g...

  • THE RIVERS The shining land lay open, ready for conquest -- and the ways into it were the rivers. THE PLAINS It was a place of peril, thundering herds of buffalo and savage red riders . . . a land whose asking price was blood and raw, unbeatable...

  • LIGHTNING WITH A GUN Gaylord Riley set up a cattle range bordering Dark Canyon... a tough stretch of country. Rustlers used it to drive stolen cattle across the mountains, north to south. Desperate men skulked in it when they were in trouble. It w...

  • THE SACKETTS They are the unforgettable pioneer family created by master storyteller Louis L'Amour to bring to vivid life the spirit and adventure of the American frontier. The Sacketts, men and women who challenged the untamed wilderness with their...

  • DIE LONELY, DIE HARD Pronto Pike had punched longhorns along the Rio Grande and ridden the rails back East, but he'd never been in a spot like this before. It had begun with a bitter standoff between a powerful rancher and a homesteading Irishman...

  • Conn Dury was ramrod of the Tumbling B. He'd just finished the long, rough drive up from Texas. Kate Lundy owned the Tumbling B. She was as tough as she was beautiful. Tom Lundy was Kate's kid brother, with a weakness for pretty women that was al...

  • RAFTER CROSSING was a town building for an explosion when Mike Shevlin rode in. The cattlemen swore they'd close down the mines because they were poisoning the range water. The miners were stealing the high-grade ore that rightfully belonged to L...

  • LYNCH LAW A hanging party rules the badlands and a lone rider races for his life. Falsely accused of back-shooting a man as he stood tipping whiskey in a saloon, Matt Keelock takes on a posse of angry men with no more backup than his smoking Colt...

  • TRERE'S A SACKETT IN TROUBLE Forty gunslingers from the Lazy A have got Tell Sackett cornered back under the Mogollon Rim. They're fixing to hang him if they can get him alive, fill him extra full of lead if they can't. But the Sacketts, they don'...

  • Medicine Dog had sworn to take his scalp. Iron Dave Sproul was gunning for revenge. All the Bannocks and the Paiutes wanted him dead--but fast! It was almost too much for one man. Major Frank Paddock trusted him and gave him command of the fort. B...

  • Who was the Kid? Harbin was the gunslinger. All he wanted was the gold. Badger -was just a little weasel, waiting to see where the chips fell before he made his move. Nora was an orphan, searching for news of her lost parents. But Kid Rodelo? He w...

  • IT WAS ALMOST TOO MUCH FOR EVEN A SACKETT TO HANDLE ! He could outride and outshoot any five men but he was a fool for a lady in distress. The posse was hot on his trail for murder when he took time out to rescue Sylvie from a gang of desperados....

  • THE TOOMEY MASSACRE Begin with the massacre of 27 innocent men. Follow it with two brutal murders almost 90 years later. Add two curious, hard-bitten veterans of the guerrilla fighting, and a beautiful, terror-stricken girl. Mix with a pack of ...

  • TEXAS SHOWDOWN Tap Duvarney fought in the War Between the States, then signed on as an Indian fighter with the frontier army. Now he's settled in Texas, working a ranch as the partner of his old friend Tom Kittery--and in the middle of a blood feu...

  • THEY RODE TOGETHER The Sackett boys weren't out to make a reputation--it just happened that way. They had crossed Black Fetchen and lived to tell about it. Now Fetchen was coming for them with the most expensive hired guns in the country. But the...

  • ONE CHANCE IN A MILLION After the massacre, Hardy and Betty Sue were left with only a horse and a knife with which to face the long battle against the wilderness. A seven-year-old boy and a three-year-old girl, stranded on the limitless prairie. T...

  • Major James Brionne brought Dave Allard to trial for murder. Just before the hanging, Dave swore his brothers would take vengenance. . . Four year later the Allard boys retumed to settle the score. Only Brionne's son escaped. They murdered his wife, ...

  • When Otis Chancy started out he had nothing. Then fate dealt him four of a kind -- all bullets. The young drifter played his hand for keeps, taking his chances against 'crooked sheriffs, deadly gunmen, and renegade Indians. He fought his way along ba...

  • "IF HE MOVES, SHOOT HIM." Matt Coburn had cleaned up tough towns before. He knew what to do and how to do it. Above all, he knew who to kill and when. But this time the odds were stacked against him. He was facing every kind of gunman, knife artis...

  • FOUR HARD AND LONELY MEN Tell Sackett had been lured into the Apache's mountain stronghold by the icy beauty of his brother's wife. He didn't go alone. John J. Battles, Spanish Murphy and the half-breed Tampico rode beside him. Each was driven by ...

  • Loner Against the Ladder Five Smoke Parnell and his outfit knew every dirty trick in the book from robbing and rustling to cold-blooded murder. There were five of them, sometimes six -- enough men to scare a lot of people. Only one man in the terr...

  • TREASURE HUNT There was gold buried somewhere on the Davidge spread. No one knew where for sure, but a whole lot of people were ready to kill for it. Peg Cullane was as cold as a Texas blizzard. She wanted the gold and she didn't care what her ...

  • HUNTED MAN Galloway was thinking of Flagan. Back in those mountains somewhere he was fighting to keep alive... if he was alive. Without weapons, in a rugged country where the only humans he found were apt to be enemies, his chances of survival dep...

  • GET RID OF THE KID Val Darrant was four years old. It was a cold, snowy night as he was hustled away on a buckboard to be abandoned. But he did not die; he met Will Reilly. A gentlemen, a gambler and the best rifle shot in the West, Reilly was a m...

  • The Dude He came from the East to buy cattle, to the untamed land where there was no law but a man's raw courage. He came to get his steers to the railroad, not to kill. He was a peaceable man, but when French Williams and the local outlaws mistoo...

  • SADDLEBAGS FILLED WITH GOLD They were the prize in a desperate manhunt that led across Comanche-infested prairies into rough frontier towns. When he began to pursue the three gunslingers who had stolen the gold and left his father to die, Shell T...

  • FRONTIER WINTER Two hundred vast miles stretching west of Fort Laramie--this was a country! No wonder the Indians were prepared to fight for it. Ferociously, with massacre and fire they swept down on yet another wagon train. One wagon mysteriousl...

  • Callaghen's business is soldiering. For twenty years he'd fought all over the world, from China to the deserts of California; now he's a private in the U.S. Cavalry, poorly paid, his enlistment about to run out. He's ready to move on...until he comes...

  • LOGAN SACKETT WAS NO HERO He'd run the wild trails since near to when he was born... picked up a few horses here and yon and some cattle too ...rode the back trails with the bunch... but he never bothered no women-folks and he got mighty angry wit...

  • Gold--Easier Found Than Kept How do you bring a million dollars in gold down off a mountain? First you have to find it, and that's mighty hard when you're tracking a trail that's twenty years old. But the Sackett brothers were determined to find t...

  • They called him Scholar Ronan Chantry took his prized Ferguson rifle and went west to die. He found himself a civilized man in the rugged wilderness. He joined up with some rough trappers and traveled on--until they met up with hostile Indians, a ...

  • FIGHTIN' IRISH Crispin Mayo was a stranger to the law of the gun. He had come West from Ireland to seek his fortune-one man with nothing but his fists to protect him. Was he tough enough to tangle with a cut-throat band of renegades? It was none o...

  • HE RODE ALONE Con Vallian knew the best way to stay out of trouble was to mind his own business. Then he stopped for a cup of coffee at a stranger's campfire and found himself guiding a family of greenhorns across the prairie-fighting a pack of ru...

  • High Stakes In 1844, nobody believed there was gold in California. Nobody, that is, except the Mulkerins and an old Indian with mystical powers. The Mulkerins needed a treasure to settle the debt on their Malibu ranch. The Indian was willing to le...

  • Son of a feared fighting man, Barnabas Sackett inherited his father's fiery temper, sense of justice and warrior skills. Declared an outlaw in his native England, Barnabas set his daring sights on the opportunities of the New World. The ruthless pira...

  • RANGE WAR Utah Blaine had escaped from a Mexican prison and was headed north on foot when lie came upon a hanging. The man in the noose was a tough old Texas rancher, the executioners were his own men turned against him, and Blaine stepped out of ...

  • LONG-RIDIN' MAN Chantry came home to a murdered brother and a couple of squatters. Then the Mowatt gang moved in. They were looking for his brother's buried treasure. Chantry was going to lead them to it. Or else....

  • TALES OF THE FRONTIER Bud Miles was a boy when he crossed the Mississippi. But Bud buried his father after an Indian attack, and as the wagon train pushed on through Sioux country, the boy stood as tall as any man.... Tell Sackett killed cougars a...

  • It was a time of golden opportunity in the West. For Jean Talon, young shipwright, it meant a chance to build. But there were others in the land--unscrupulous men eager to seize what couldn't be gained lawfully. Jean Talon struck out against the most...

  • The Sacketts were fierce fighting men from the hills of Tennessee. The Talons were French, but a life of piracy brought them to America. Milo was half Talon, half Sackett. He'd been riding the outlaw trail for three years, but now he was hunting-a ma...

  • DRIFTER'S DREAM Canavan drifted down the valley and into a shooting war. The big ranchers were rustlers turned respectable. Now they were fighting each other. In the middle was a small spread and a woman. Canavan had a mind to stay so he staked a ...

  • A GOOD MAN TO LEAVE ALONE Hoss high, pig tight and bull strong--the barbed wire was biting into the Live Oak country. Mort Davis saw the big spreads fixing to fence out his piece of grass so he called in Kilkenny. Kilkenny was poison in a gun batt...

  • FRONTIER MAN Barney Sackett was on the run from the law. The only trail open to him ran West. With a few fierce friends and a loyal woman by his side, Barney carved a place for himself in the raw American wilderness--battling unyielding elements a...

  • The marshal's name was Borden Chantry. Young, lean, rugged, he's buried a few men in this two-bit cow town -- every single one killed in a fair fight. Then, one dark, grim day a mysterious gunman shot a man in cold blood. Five grisly murders later, C...

  • Shipwrecked on the coast of North Carolina, his companions killed, Tatton Chantry is alone--and ready for action. In the Old World he fought wars, skirmishes, duels. Now, in the wilderness of America, this swashbuckling hero takes up against pirates,...

  • CUT 'N' SHOOT Holed up in a cabin in the Idaho hills, the mysterious man who called himself Trent wasn't looking for trouble. It came looking for him. A trigger-happy kid named Cub Hale emptied his gun into an unarmed man. Then he came swaggering ...

  • A MAN CALLED BENDIGO They came west inspired by the boldest America dream. Pioneers whose hands and hearts shaped the proud destiny of a nation. Seven men and thirteen women and children--strangers who shed their blood to build a community out of th...

  • ROUGH ROAD TO MANHOOD Folks tried to tell him that his father had killed himself, but Kearney McRaven knew better. His pa was no quitter. Then the boy discovered that just before the bullet had found him, the elder McRaven had had a remarkable run...

  • STREET FIGHTER IN KANSAS Young Tom Shanaghy was hardheaded and hard-muscled. Back in New York he could handle anything from a blacksmith's anvil to knuckle-and-skull street brawling. Now Shanaghy was a stranger in a small Kansas town, a town desp...

  • FRONTIER TOUGH They came West to stay, risking their blood to dig the gold, ride the range, conquer the greedy and carve out a legacy of freedom. Men honed by desert fires and edged by combat with fist and gun. Women tested to the limit of enduran...

  • As part of the Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures series, this edition contains exclusive bonus materials! “Over the years I have been proud to write about the men and women of the American frontier. But I have written many stories with entirely di...

  • The Sacketts walked tall in the untamed forests and wild mountain paths, strong men who sought peace in the savage wilderness. That peace was challenged when rival Indian tribes threatened war, and ruthless white men, hoping to exploit the tensions, ...

  • The Sackett brothers didn't know what brand of trouble Cousin Logan was in, but he needed beef cattle badly. So with Tell Sackett ramrodding, Tyrel, Orrin, and Cap Rountree rode north--pushing 1100 head across the wide Dakota plains toward the mounta...

  • THEY CAME TO THE COMSTOCK... It was just a godforsaken mountainside but no place on earth was richer in silver. For a bustling, enterprising America, this was the great bonanza. The dreamers, the restless, the builders, the vultures--they were lur...

  • TALON ON THE TROUBLE TRAIL To Milo Talon there is nothing finer than drifting the far, lone-some country. But times are lean, and Talon hires out for a job that suddenly has him hog-tied to trouble. He's hunting for the long-hidden secret to a for...

  • THE SHADOW RIDERS For the westerner trouble came with the territory. Long grass valleys, merciless deserts, sheer rock cliffs, icy streams, hidden trails, dusty towns. These were the proving grounds of daily life. At any time violence could explo...

  • IT WAS NO WORK FOR A WOMAN. That's what they told Mary Breydon when she came to manage a rundown stagecoach station on the Cherokee Trail. But Mary had no choice. Her fine Virginia home burned to ashes in the Civil War and her husband was brutally...

  • RIDE THROUGH THE SHADOW OF DEATH Dal and Mac Traven left Texas young and idealistic. They came back from opposite sides of a living hell, a war that had torn a nation in two. They wanted only to reclaim their old lives, but one man held their futu...

  • Bud Miles was a boy when he crossed the  Mississippi. But Bud buried his father after an Indian attack, and as the wagon train pushed on through Sioux country, the boy stood as tall as any man. . . .  

    Tell Sackett killed cougars at fourte...

  • THE NAME IS BOWDRIE It was a name that caused the most hardened gunmen to break out in a cold sweat. Chick Bowdrie. He could have ridden the outlaw trail, but the Texas Rangers recruited him because they didn't want to have to fight against him. P...

  • BOWDRIE,TEXAS RANGER Lawman, manhunter, peacemaker--it takes a hard breed of man to survive as a Texas Ranger, but Chick Bowdrie stands head and shoulders above the rest. The rough trails are his home, from the Big Thicket to the Pecos to the bord...

  • Here is the fascinating story of Johannes Verne, a young man left to die by his vengeful grandfather, rescued by outlaws and raised in part by the Indians of the desert. Strengthened by the love of two women--Miss Nesselrode, whose mysterious past fi...

  • No matter that Echo Sackett was young, and a woman, and had never been far from the valley. She was still a Sackett--sharp and smart and a better hunter than most of the men she knew. Like her bold ancestors, Echo couldn't ignore a challenge. A sure ...

  • These stories represent Louis L'Amour at his best--stirring adventure tales of the ageless Old West, as tough and gritty as the men who tamed it. Each story is personally selected, with an introduction and special historical notes, by the author. ...

  • Ben Curry knew it was a dog eat dog country and if you survived you had to have big teeth. From a secret fortress in the wild, broken canyon country his men rode hard and smart as far as Canada and Mexico, from San Antone to Los Angeles to pull jobs ...

  • For the first time in book form, here is a collection of Louis L'Amour detective stories--vivid tales as memorable and exciting as his beloved frontier fiction. Each story is personally selected, with an introduction, by the author. In the dark a...

  • Here is an historical adventure of extraordinary power waiting to sweep you away to exotic lands as one of the most popular writers of our time conquers new storytelling worlds. Louis L'Amour has been best known for his ability to capture the spir...

  • Wilderness explorer Jubal Sackett was the son of Barnabas Sackett, the first of that name to come to the New World. Jubal feared no man, nor backed away from any challenge. His fierce determination to blaze new trails took him across the vast, savage...

  • PICK UP A GUN, AND STAY "I'm just passin' through," the rider said when they asked him his name. And from then on, in the high country around Parrott City, he was called just that: Mr. Passin' Through, a man who rode a blue roan with a skull and c...

    • / Action Adventure
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    Here is the kind of authentically detailed epic novel that has become Louis L'Amour's hallmark. It is the compelling story of U.S. Air Force Major Joe Mack, a man born out of time. When his experimental aircraft is forced down in Russia and he escape...

  • Dear Reader, I've taken great pride over the years in personally selecting and editing collections of my short stories for my publisher, Bantam Books, to issue in paperback. New, without my permission, a publisher, with whom I am in no way associa...

  • TURN HOME, RIDER In this land, the place you leave behind might not be there when you get back. At least not the way you knew it. Tack Gentry of the G Bar, Chat Lock of Dutchman’s Flat, and Ward McQueen of the Tumbling K knew how it felt to str...

  • Eight stories deal with an old prospector, a drifter who encounters a gang of cattle rustlers, a coward who must prove himself, a young rancher who refuses to be driven from his new home, and a corrupt sheriff...

  • A WORD FROM LOUIS L'AMOUR "Almost four decades ago, when my fiction was being published exclusively in `pulp' western magazines, I wrote a number of novel-length stories, known back then as `magazine novels'. In creating them, I lived with my char...

  • A WORD FROM LOUIS L'AMOUR "Almost forty years ago, when my fiction was being published exclusively in 'pulp' western magazines, I wrote several novel-length stories, which my editors called 'magazine novels.' In creating them, I became so involve...

  • FIGHTERS IN THE SKY They're freelance pilots and full-time troubleshooters for democracy. They're men like Steven Cowan, Mike Thorne, and Turk Madden who face danger every day of their lives and fight like tigers for what they believe in. With the...

  • As part of the Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures series, this edition contains exclusive bonus materials! The Navajo called them the Anasazi, the “ancient enemy,” and their abandoned cities haunt the canyons and plateaus of the Southwest. F...

  • He's a two-fisted American adventurer and veteran of a hundred waterfront brawls. He's "Ponga Jim" Mayo, and he minds his own business and leaves international intrigues to others. But, as master of his own tramp freighter, trouble seeks him out as h...

  • THE LEGEND OF LONIGAN In his newest collection of frontier short fiction, Louis L'Amour celebrates the tough breed of men who work the cattle drives. Men like Lonigan, whose quick draw and hard fists were as respected as his reputation for doing r...

  • No one brings to life the Old West like Louis L'Amour. Collected here for the first time, these vintage frontier stories introduce you to lawmen and loners, ranchers and renegades, gunslingers, cardsharps, bank robbers--even a "he school-ma'rm:" In t...

  • FACEDOWN! "Who are you?" Milt Cogar was asked. "I'm a man ridin' through," Milt said. "Who are you?" Spencer stiffened. "Dan Spencer's the name, and I run this town." Milt lifted his eyes insultingly toward the collection of miserable sha...

  • From his decision to leave school at fifteen to roam the world, to his recollections of life as a hobo on the Southern Pacific Railroad, as a cattle skinner in Texas, as a merchant seaman in Singapore and the West Indies, and as an itinerant bare-knu...

  • HOPALONG CASSIDY RIDES AGAIN! In this first of four classic frontier novels, Louis L'Amour adds his own special brand to the life and adventures of one of America's favorite fictional cowboys, Hopalong Cassidy. In The Rustlers of West Fork, the qu...

  • HOPALONG RIDES INTO A FIRESTORM OF VIOLENCE AND BETRAYAL On the rain-drenched trail to the lawless town of Seven Pines, Hopalong discovers two men--one dead, the other badly wounded. Returning with medical help, Hopalong finds the wounded man has ...

  • HOPALONG TAKES ON A GANG OF RUSTLERS AND A COLD-BLOODED KILLER WHO WANTS HIM DEAD Hopalong rode into cattle country just east of the California line looking for his old friend Red Connors. He found Red holed up in a mountain cave with a bullet in ...

  • Hopalong Cassidy has received a message from the dead. Answering an urgent appeal for help from fellow cowpuncher Pete Melford, he rides in only to discover that his old friend has been murdered and the ranch Pete left to his niece, Cindy Blair, has ...

  • REAL WEST Cattlemen ride alone across the open range under the deadly aim of roving desperadoes.... Gamblers stake their fortunes and their lives on a deck of cards.... Strong-willed senoritas seek independence through an enticing combination of b...

  • WHERE THE REAL FRONTIER BEGINS A young cowpuncher stakes a claim that can only be sealed with fists and a .44 Colt.... A gunfighter, tired of violence, finds himself pushed down a trail of bloody revenge.... From purple sage to gambler's gold, from ...

  • BEST OF THE WEST A veteran trail driver, who has survived thundering stampedes and Comanche raids, discovers there's nothing so dangerous as courting a beautiful woman....A brutally beaten homesteader crawls off to die--only to stumble upon an anc...

    A veteran trail driver, who has survived thundering stampedes and Comanche raids, discovers there’s nothing so dangerous as courting a beautiful woman. . . .

    A brutally beaten homesteader crawls off to die -- onl...

  • From the American West to the Siberian coast, from Hollywood to the boxing ring, here are timeless tales of war, mystery, romance, crime, and punishment as only Louis L'Amour can tell them.These stories are vintage L'Amour: • A hard-bitten cattle d...

  • TREASURES OF THE FRONTIER This priceless collection of newly discovered stories brings to life a time of desperate violence and true courage in a wide-open country of fortune seekers and dreamers, lawbreakers and pioneers. A newly sworn-in marsha...

  • As part of the Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures series, this edition contains exclusive bonus materials!   From the jungles of Borneo to the hidden canyons of the American West, from small-town fight clubs to a Parisian café at the end of Wor...

  • Spirited American stories gathered together for the first time From the coasts of Brazil to the borders of Tibet to the very heartland of America, May There Be a Road gathers ten previously uncollected stories that capture the magnificent scope an...

  • The timeless fiction of Louis L'Amour is both unforgettable and undeniably American, deftly capturing the heroic bravery and intrepid spirit that make this nation great. L’Amour ’s legacy of work remains unparalleled, setting a standard of excel...

  • Classic tales that capture the heroic and indomitable spirit of our great land The twelve stories in this collection run the spectrum of human emotions as they transport us from the fading majesty of the Old West to a small-town football field to...

  • The Untamed West collects three of the finest short novels by some of the greatest and most influential Western authors of all-time: Louis L'Amour, Zane Grey and Max Brand. Brand's brilliant Black Sheep, restored and corrected, is published here in p...

  • In this new trio of short novels, "The Phantom Herds of Furnace Flats" opens to a mysterious murder in the Dry River Range. In "Boothill Loves a Pilgrim" Harvey T. Watney has been an assistant bookkeeper in a Chicago accounting firm for over twenty y...

  • Louis L'Amour is one of the most popular, beloved and honored of all American authors. For many readers, his novels and stories have become the very definition of the Old West. Collected here are two of L'Amour's classic novellas, both featuring enig...

  • The fourth volume of Louis L’Amour’s collected short stories features more than forty of the master’s greatest adventure tales in a keepsake edition to cherish for generations. This unique collection gathers stories guaranteed to thrill and del...

  • Collected here are two of L'Amour's classic novellas, appearing in paperback for the first time in these restored versions. "The Trail to Peach Meadow Caon" was originally published in a magazine, then substantially changed and expanded when it appe...

  • The stories of Louis L’Amour are built around the dramatic moments when men and women cast their fears, doubts, and pasts behind them and plunge into the unknown -- into split-second decisions with life-and-death consequences. Nowhere is that more ...

  • Louis L'Amour is one of the most popular and honored authors of the past hundred years. Millions of readers have thrilled to his tales of courage and adventure, tales that have transported them to the Old West and brought to life that exciting era of...

  • "

    No onetells tales of the frontier better than Louis L''Amour, who portrays the humanside of westward expansion-the good and the bad-before the days of law andorder. Collected here are six stories penned by America''s favorite Westernauthor.

  • For millions of readers, the name Louis L'Amour is synonymous with the excitement of the Old West. His brilliant stories and novels capture all the adventure and action of those glorious days of the American frontier. But for too long, many of these ...

  • Rock Bannon, wounded in an Indian attack, is rescued by a wagon train heading to Oregon. He has fully recovered when the train pulls into a fort to stock up on supplies. It is there that the leaders of the train meet Morton Harper, a smooth-talking m...

  • A rarely reprinted pulp magazine novel from bestselling western novelist Louis L'Amour. Showdown on the Hogback was first published in Giant Western magazine August 1950 under the pseudonym Jim Mayo. Years later, as was Louis L'Amour's habit, it was ...

  • A collection of some of the best short fiction writing from the most famous Western author of all time.Louis L’Amour is indisputably the most famous and well-respected writer to ever work in the Western genre. His stories captured life on the front...

  • Louis L'Amour was the most decorated author in the history of American letters and a recipient of the Medal of Freedom.Now collected here in a single book are several of Louis L'Amour's finest Western stories the way Mr. L'Amour wrote them. At the ti...

  • DESERT DEATH-SONG compiles some of Louis L’Amour’s greatest stories, many of which have been hard to find in book form. Whether he was writing under his early pen name, Jim Mayo, or his own, L’Amour’s stories are unforgettable, touching on ro...

  • PERIL PRESS presents: Thrilling Western, May 1951 THE BLOOD OF RYAN by Louis L'Amour The dying station hostler wanted to live -- just long enough! 2900 Words Thrilling Western, May 1951 HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR WEST? A Quiz 300 Words This edition...

  • Edge-of-your-seat thrillers from the greatest Western author ever. There will never be another Western writer like Louis L’Amour. A legendary author and indisputably the greatest storyteller in his genre of all time, L’Amour captivated million...

  • Top 1% of all Books at Amazon#1 Bestselling Louis L'Amour BookTop 30 in WesternsFirst time in book form, this "lost" Louis L'Amour novel, published in three parts in the old pulp magazines during the 1950s, showcases the story of the settling of the ...

  • AMAZON RECOMMEND IN LITERATURE & FICTION - He rode into an unknown battle, promising death to men he had never seen, and marriage to a woman he had never met. When Matt Sabre from Dodge, once Marshal of Mobettle, known as "the Mongollon gunfighter," ...

  • Orphaned as a child, Mike Bastian was taken in by the legendary outlaw Ben Curry, raised and trained to take over his empire of crime. Today, Mike is the quickest draw and the stealthiest tracker around, and Ben Curry is getting ready to retire. To t...

  • Kilkenny the gunman had retired. He had helped tame the west and put down its desperados, but when the dust settled around him, he realized he'd had enough of killing, gunsmoke and violence for quite a while.Now Kilkenny had a cabin, the simple life ...

  • Deep within the jungles of Borneo flows a legendary river of diamonds … An ex-Marine on the run from the nightmares of war. An American scientist and his beautiful wife on a desperate journey to save their marriage. An aging native shaman tryin...

  • Rock Bannon, wounded in an Indian attack, is rescued by a wagon train heading to Oregon. He has fully recovered when the train pulls into a fort to stock up on supplies. It is there that the leaders of the train meet Morton Harper, a smooth-talking m...

  • From the master of Western storytelling comes a collection of six action-packed tales sure to please Louis L'Amour's legion of fans.In Trap of Gold, Wetherton has been three months out of Horsehead when he finds his first color in a crumbling granite...

  • The first of its kind, a unique volume of twenty-one unpublished gems from one of the twentieth century’s most popular and prolific writers  Using his father’s handwritten notes, journal entries, and correspondences, Beau L’Amour uncovers ...

  • FIRST TIME IN ONE VOLUME - THE SAGA OF THE CACTUS KIDLouis L'Amour's lost tale of his legendary hero, the Cactus Kid, was published as a series of novelettes in the western magazines of the 1950s. Now, for the first time ever, L'Amour's three novelet...

  • Here is a time when the Old West became New " the 1930s-50s " as Louis L'Amour witnessed it first-hand in Southern California before and after World War II. Many people think the age of gunmen, scheming land barons, murderous bad guys, and the de...

  • In the first in this trio of Western stories by Louis L'Amour-"Black Rock"-Jim Gatlin, a Texas trail driver, arrives in the town of Tucker where he finds himself quickly drawn into the middle of an all-out battle for the XY Ranch when, due to a ca...

  • Louis L’Amour’s long-lost first novel, faithfully completed by his son, takes readers on a voyage into danger and violence on the high seas. Fate is a ship. As the shadows of World War II gather, the SS Lichenfield is westbound across the...

  • More unpublished works from the archives of Louis L’Amour: complete short stories, partial novels, treatments, and notes that will transport readers from the Western frontier to India, China, and even the future. Exploring the creative process o...

  • This collection of six exciting Western stories from early in Louis L'Amour's career begins with ""Fork Your Own Broncs,"" in which Mac Marcy, who had saved for seven years to run his own small cattle ranch, sees his dream com...

  • They are the stuff of legend, thundering out of the harsh landscapes and stunning vistas of the American West, vividly lodged in our collective imaginations. From Buffalo Bill to Billy the Kid, from Cochise to Jesse James, these names and so many oth...

  • The sound of a crowded saloon … The cry of a train coming through the night… The pounding of horses ridden by friends or foe… From the searing sun to snow-steeped winters, towns called Sentinel, Iron Mountain and St. Elmo stood s...

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    PERIL PRESS presents:The Rio Kid Western, May 1952THE CACTUS KID PAYS A DEBTby Louis L???AmourDrawn into a cutthroat game, he does some plain and fancy dealing on his own accountHe tries some fancy dealing in a cutthroat game!4900 WordsPLUS BONUS!!!E...

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    PERIL PRESS presents:New Western, April 1947DEATH SONG OF THE SOMBREROby Louis L'Amour???Never,??? Stretch Magoon said, ???argue with a red-headed girl named for a burro!???Not all the magic of Stretch Magoon's famous .45's, nor all his adamant deter...

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    Four full-length novels by the king of western tales, Louis L'Amour, reprinted from his original magazine versions before his paperback publishers demanded changes.This quartet contains four of Louis L'Amour's earliest novels, books that earned him a...

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    PERIL PRESS presents:Texas Rangers, March 1947JACKSON OF HORNTOWNby Louis L???Amouras Jim MayoMatt Ben was the last of a notorious clan but his only pard was an old pack burro when he had to make his most serious decision!Matt Ben was the last of a n...

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    PERIL PRESS presents:Texas Rangers, April 1948MEDICINE GROUNDA Cactus Kid Storyby Louis L???Amouras Sam BrantStaked out on an anthill, the Cactus Kid proves that he's a gunsmoke prophetStaked out on an anthill, the Kid proves he's a prophet???with gu...

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    PERIL PRESS presents:Exciting Western, July 1948THE NESTER AND THE PIUTEby Louis L???AmourIllustrated by Leo MoreyBin Morley was one, plumb bad hombre to rile!Bin Morley was sure one plumb bad hombre to rile.3500 WordsPLUS BONUS!West, March 3 1928THE...

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    PERIL PRESS presents:Texas Rangers, December 1947NO TROUBLE FOR THE CACTUS KIDby Louis L???Amouras Sam BrantThat bolt of calico meant plenty to the debonair cowboy!That little bolt of calico certainly meant plenty to this debonair cowboy!4600 WordsFi...

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    Four full-length novels by the king of western tales, Louis L'Amour, reprinted from his original magazine versions before his paperback publishers demanded changes. Many L'Amour fans believe the original versions are tighter, with stronger impact and...

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    PERIL PRESS presents:Range Riders Western, November 1949SECRET OF SILVER SPRINGSby Louis L???Amouras Jim MayoDud Shaffer and his pards know how to take the right turn at the right time!???Dud??? and his pards know how to take the right turn at the ri...

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    PERIL PRESS presents:Texas Rangers, February 1951SHANDY TAKES THE HOOKby Louis L???Amouras by Jim MayoTinhorn Kotch thought cleaning Shandy would be like taking milk from a kitten, but it resembled sorting Wildcats in a sandstorm!Tinhorn Kotch though...

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    PERIL PRESS presents:Texas Rangers, January 1955A STRONG LAND GROWINGby Louis L'AmourThe town was marked for a raid???the marshal, for death!The town was marked for a raid, it???s lawman for death5200 WordsTexas Rangers, January 1955DEATH RIDDEN DESE...

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    THE BIGGEST LOUIS L'AMOUR BARGAIN--EVER!Here are 21 of L'Amour's most beloved western tales for $3.99. From the first story, West is Where the Heart Is, through tales like Fork Your Own Broncs, One Last Gun Notch, A Strong Land Growing, His Brother's...

Award-Winning Books by Louis L'Amour

Down the Long Hills
1968 SPUR Award -- Western Novel

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Louis L'Amour has published 169 books.

Louis L'Amour does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Ghost Towns, was published in October 2022.

The first book by Louis L'Amour, Smoke from This Altar, was published in January 1939.

Yes. Louis L'Amour has 6 series.