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Stephen Donald Huff's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    198 Books
  • First Book:
    November 2006
  • Latest Book:
    September 2022
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Book List in Order: 198 titles

  • Denizens of Watami are more human than human. Though ‘normal’ citizens hysterically fear them as obscene chimeras, the pastoral Nascosi way of life embraces principles of passivity and altruism to selfless… some would say ‘suicidal’… extr...

  • Genoa, 1343. A plague ship quietly slips into the harbor bound from Cathay by way of Calla, a city under interminable siege from Tatars, who use assault tactics that include catapulting putrid, disease-ridden corpses over the city walls. These bloate...

  • The Wilderlands exist in an alternate past or a possible future. Depending on perspective, it is a realm inhabited by mysterious wizards or learned disciples of a new religion evolved from the practice of ancient science. Magic or high technology rul...

  • The Wilderlands exist in an alternate past or a possible future. Depending on perspective, it is a realm inhabited by mysterious wizards or learned disciples of a new religion evolved from the practice of ancient science. Magic or high technology rul...

  • The Wilderlands exist in an alternate past or a possible future. Depending on perspective, it is a realm inhabited by mysterious wizards or learned disciples of a new religion evolved from the practice of ancient science. Magic or high technology rul...

  • To be certain, there are bad men in the world, but for every fistful of male villains there exists a shrewd woman to corrupt and torment them. She is the spider at the center of a web, and they have come to struggle violently in her traps. He's as lo...

  • On a lonely plot of land in the middle of a desolate night, a forlorn man sits drinking and smoking on his porch as he watches a sinister shadow slowly, intrepidly crossing the abandoned rows of a forgotten farm. While a damaged siphon pump works rhy...

  • A city viewed from a jet liner is eerily indistinguishable from a vast, sprawling anthill. Both are industrious mounds riddled with innumerable burrows and endless trails, which endlessly crawl with toiling creatures, all bound from one mysterious er...

  • A former pro-footballer fallen from grace and bitter with his eventual fate, Johnny Bullet commits a horrible crime in the name of revenge. Running from his demons through a foreboding countryside, he hopes to escape his future, only to find it at th...

  • This particular corporal served all four years of the bloodiest war in European history, many of them as a message runner - one of the most dangerous and elite jobs of trench-bound combat. By all accounts, he was a strange young man with many strange...

  • They are the outcast, forgotten, overlooked refuse of the world. Nothing matters to them, and they matter to no-one. He retains a zest for life, despite its futility, but she has decided to stop the train and step off. He will watch her go without a ...

  • Deep within in the guts of the world, men and women struggle daily to deliver fuel to feed a ravenous industry. It is dangerous work. Indeed, this is a story about fire catching in a coal seam buried deep underground, where a dozen lives hang, chokin...

  • Facing the hangman's noose, why not confess everything? If you've lived a notoriously colorful life, most of your stories cannot be believed! Read this confession, and make your own decisions about the veracity and implications of it all.You'll get y...

  • Somebody has to do it, and his mind is sufficiently perverse to qualify for the job. It's the age-old conundrum of time travel. It's the ultimate experiment. He packs a handgun before he steps into the time machine. What happens when a young man trav...

  • This home has a history as unforgettable as it is undeniable. Many generations have lived and died within its walls and many of those who died linger beyond the grave to dwell there still. Stop in for a weekend of mystery and fun. Thrill to the unexp...

  • It's Halloween in Pecan Groves, Texas and much mischief is afoot. In the midst of the morbid celebration manifests an otherworldly invasion. How could the citizens of that sleepy bedroom community separate costumes from the genuine horror that has co...

  • He returns to keep their lawn year upon year, from his youth to middle-age, and never a charge or missed appointment. Their lawn is immaculate, their hedges invariably neat and trimmed, their fall leaves absent, and their home well-kept. Is it a labo...

  • On the verge of a bloody and catastrophic defeat, a lone surviving robot tech risks life and limb to maneuver to the frontlines and activate an army of machines. Though these metallic monsters have failed in the past, this time their success would b...

  • At the last stop for provisions before they make their climb into the snowy mountains of Colorado, the locals tease these teenaged tourists about their lack of preparation for such a cold and unforgiving frontier. Though they scoff, these unfortunate...

  • Lucky to survive the circumstances of his birth, he learned to make the most of a life that might have killed a lesser person. In fact, he learned to thrive. Via crime, he improved himself to the point of obtaining a college education, an enormous ba...

  • He has perfected the necessary skills, collected the requisite equipment, and buried the resultant bodies. Like a grotesque human hermit crab, he periodically sheds one shell for another, gutting the original to make it his own, and no regard whateve...

  • He is the most prolific sniper in a long, deadly war. In fact, he succeeds to the point that his own comrades have learned to shun him. Not even this form of isolation can prevent him from compiling a frightful tally of numbers, though. Behind each n...

  • In the distant future of humankind, an unscrupulous government has embarked on a program of colonization, sending one moon-sized transport after another careening into the cosmic gulf, each utterly dependent upon the one gone before. The hapless voya...

  • He's the proverbial grumpy old man and he ruthlessly keeps his hit-lists. You had better hope he never jots your name down in his notebook, because he'll make you the object of his obsessive ire and his dissatisfaction is notoriously relentless. Unfo...

  • A trusted agent in the employ of an untrustworthy corporation. He knows too much and he realizes this knowledge will soon necessitate his own liquidation. Will he retire in style to a lavish future, or will his employers violently consign his remains...

  • Lost in the anonymity of the big city, he dreams of faraway places that languish beneath broad, cloudless skies. He dreams of endless horizons and expansive landscapes. He dreams of Texas " somehow, he will get there, no matter the cost.It’s a lo...

  • Awakening night upon night in a feverish chill, fresh from the throes of disturbing nightmares, one hapless human being ponders the separation of dream and reality. Within phantomic landscapes of half-slumber, he stalks nightfall with a violent, pred...

  • Human beings are abundant. Yet, for every person on Earth, countless insects thrive, chewing through the roots and underpinnings of nature. This year, it will be a very good year for bugs! An ocean of insecticide cannot suppress their demonic hordes....

  • When too many children go missing in the rivers and bayous coursing through Houston, Texas, one man draws a frightful conclusion. Gathering anecdotal evidence to support his suspicions, this amateur sleuth must eventually take his allegations to prop...

  • In the not-so-distant future, professional life is reduced to help-desk duty, the workweek is eight hours long, and the average citizen lives a leisurely lifestyle. When an inconceivable glitch named 'Ed' appears mysteriously within the ubiquitous ne...

  • When the constraints of the mission make it impossible to use electronics or cameras, they send him. His memory is eidetic. “Photographic”. His infallible mind is simultaneously his most blessed gift and his most devilish curse, because nothing i...

  • This is reality television run amok, daytime programming in the bloody Roman Coliseum. Survival is the game and vast wealth the reward. What of the hapless individuals tossed together into competition? Can they retain their humanity and still do what...

  • How long can one sensitive youth tolerate the incessant shelling, the nerve-wracking eruptions, the slumber-slaying shockwaves of bombardment? How much terror can a soldier endure, before he takes that last short walk beyond the trenches and coiled b...

  • Humankind totters on the brink of extinction. Soon, a superior alien race will dominate Earth. Our greatest hope lies within the ranks of an elite cadre of anonymous combatants called Ghost Warriors. He is of that number. All but mortally wounded, he...

  • Whatever happened to the people next door? They were so loud and obnoxious, it's difficult to ignore their abrupt, unannounced departure. The neighborhood is lucky to have the old man at the end of the cul-de-sac, though. If not for his constant care...

  • In the not-so-distant future, human beings are reduced to commodities; components too easily replaced. Everyone has their place and life is at least livable, provided the machine encounters no errors or glitches. This is the story of one such glitch ...

  • It's the perfect assassination. Every man who murders his wife and every wife who murders her husband does so with the firm belief they will never be caught, although this belief belies the inevitably obvious suspect. From time to time, however, chan...

  • Jo-Jo's father died young, and his mother, while present, could not pick up the slack. It's not easy to raise an unguided young man of high school age, especially a young man as misunderstood as Jo-Jo. The last day of school will forever change every...

  • A marauding legion of starving aliens arrive on Earth for a brief but terrifying raid on the planet. For a few unbelievably deadly days they will raid humankind to fill their larder before they can continue on their indeterminate journey. Though the ...

  • One morning on a vacation with this extended family, all bound to watch the patriarch run his first marathon, Mortimer witnesses a terrible crime. In the intervening minutes, a small child’s fate hangs on his capacity to sprint. He will risk everyt...

  • He is an escaped slave who traveled north to learn things men should not know. After accumulating a lifetime of esoteric knowledge and expertise in wicked magic, he has returned home to free his granddaughter from the exploitative grip of the south. ...

  • A special agent with a special job, he's the janitor of all the unhappy, unpleasant, bleeding places of the world. He'll clean up your messes and leave nary a living witness in the muck that remains. Man, woman and child, his conscience is absent, hi...

  • Not everyone in war-torn Europe believed in bigotry and hatred. A few human beings remained, hidden and camouflaged within the guise of Nazism and fanaticism. This is the story of one such old man, a railyard, and tiny scraps of paper drifting on the...

  • The plight of the village is desperate and dire. Once protected by a powerful shaman, their savior has grown old and decrepit, perhaps too weak to save them from a violent storm brewing on the horizon. To save them, he must perform the ritual, but wi...

  • He can't avoid the stench. It's everywhere… in his food… in his clothing… his home… his office. Everything swims in the odor of feces and he can't possibly know if it's all in his mind or if the entire world has gone to shit! Sometimes the br...

  • If you had known him as a young man, you would not be surprised to learn he ended up on the coroner's slab with a bullet hole in his forehead. Yet, if you knew him as a man, this is the last fate you would imagine for him. This is one man's tale of t...

  • He found a side trail to avoid the bullies of his new neighborhood. It is a lost way through a forgotten cemetery and not even the bravest of his tormentors will walk there. For him, the shortcut is a form of salvation from unwarranted attacks, but f...

  • Built of stone with untold expenditures of human blood and sweat, it is an ancient city standing above the towering canopies of an endless primordial forest. For generations, human sacrifices fed her before her magic failed and her inhabitants abando...

  • She is educated, determined and ambitious. She has never failed at anything in her life, until her child goes missing and is eventually found slain, in pieces. Only her anger delves deeper into hell than her unfathomable grief. She hunts her monster ...

  • Tired of the endless lies of youth and the unfulfilled promises of adulthood, one man decides to put reality to the ultimate test. Standing in line at a bank to make a final withdrawal with a handgun in his pocket, he remains unconcerned when a gang ...

  • What becomes of a man born evil, a man so evil that he manages to slay his own mother while still a toddler, a man so wicked that countless nannies and teachers and caregivers follow, a man so deadly that not even Africa's heart of darkness can toler...

  • Deep in the grips of a frigid wilderness, a horrific car accident leaves the top of her car ripped away along with the top of her head, and she reclines in the sedan's front seat, dead. Her unharmed infant child sits strapped into a car seat beside h...

  • He is ruthlessly ambitious. He believes in selling people what they want to find a shortcut to the good life. He's not a thief, but he'll take anything he can get. He's not a killer, but he's responsible for countless deaths. The first day he shows u...

  • He recently returned from an uneventful patrol through the near space of his solar system. Though he recalls nothing odd about the voyage, something has gone terribly wrong. Standing before a mirror in his home, he realizes he has somehow found himse...

  • Zuzu is a futuristic time clipper, a spacecraft capable of zapping backward and forward in time. As it embarks on its latest combat mission, one of its crew smuggles a forbidden keepsake onboard. This is a rose-shaped medallion given to him by his yo...

  • Until the night of New Year's Eve, Christen Bass led an ordinary, unmemorable life. On that fateful evening, a deadly highway prank changes him forever. The resulting accident kills a young girl standing near the roadside and it also kills Christen B...

  • Damon Blackley is an angelic, tow-headed five-year-old boy with an idyllic home, loving parents and well-adjusted siblings. He has a pet cat and a secret friend named ‘Boda’, his alter ego and constant companion. Increasingly tangible, this myste...

  • Born in rural Iowa to a submissive and ineffectual mother, John Stevenovitz never knew his biological father, and this is something his abusive step-father would never let him forget. Perhaps driven by suffering at home, the boy matures quickly, both...

  • Charismatic, charming, handsome and athletic, Kendrick is an armed, uniformed officer of the law. He is also a deranged psychotic, a man who obeys the wicked commands of a sinister voice, which only he can hear. Though his psyche is deeply flawed, hi...

  • Played out through the lives of countless human beings, two shape-shifting entities, one of darkness and one of light, wage an endless contest of good and evil that will ultimately decide the fate of the human race. Their battleground is the unknown ...

  • Every child deserves a second chance, even a hopelessly psychopathic boy with a notorious history who has spent the bulk of his youth incarcerated in a forensic psychiatric hospital. There, after a decade of treatment, the manipulative patient eventu...

  • Humankind knows countless destinations, whether of mountain, river, meadow or lake. Each domain offers a unique experience, and, so, each attracts visitors with common, yet specific, interests. Of all destinations, sandy beaches may provide the arche...

  • The title of this collection is intended to express a conflict of means and purpose. The ultimate outcome of an act of violence rarely redeems the brutality of the act, itself, and redemption is often violent. Life is conflict; hunger competes with s...

  • Calamity often follows a violent shout, but we have more to fear from the occasional wee, wicked whisper. This is the medium of humanity’s most despicable tongue, for a quick whisper is the requisite mode of lies, the self-serving gloat of torment,...

  • Every ten years, a lottery draws them from all over the country. Every lottery is always the same: four boys and three girls, each with an exceptional mind and each mired in a neglectful or abusive life, which is sure to eventually destroy them. The ...

  • During the final years of the Soviet Union, the government started building an ultra-secret airbase in the center of a vast wilderness. Its secrecy outstripped its management such that construction continued despite its abandonment. Occasionally, an ...

  • Imagine the evilest person on Earth, someone who will eventually grow up to lead a vast slaughter of humanity. Now imagine that person as a small child. Could you kill her in her youthful innocence, empowered only by your understanding of what she mi...

  • She takes her job seriously. Whether it be unruly school children or an armed madman, she tolerates no mischief aboard her school bus. When confronted by her worst nightmare, this bus driver will pull out all the stops to make certain her young passe...

  • In the limitless expanse of the cosmos, intelligence need not be confined to water-filled flesh. For every form of imagination, there is an embodiment of it out there in the void. On this world in this system, everything may be uniquely alive, from t...

  • Through all the green, growing places of the world, water flows. It is a force of destruction and the gift of life. Without it, nothing could thrive, despite the fact that it sometimes also destroys. Listen to this music of the Earth, for constant is...

  • Raised in an automated environment maintained within a mysterious spacecraft, they know their unseen caretaker as Dangy, which manifests itself before them as an ethereal pair of hands. Can they survive a long and perilous journey across the cosmos t...

  • Upon hearing of a lost fortune in pure, refined opium, western adventurers stationed in Afghanistan decide to retrieve it, despite repeated warnings about the dangers that confront them. When a local guide leads them through the desert into the mount...

  • Klis would be their first failure and it would mark the end of their conquest. When the Mongol envoy entered into the city walls, he offered its citizens the same thing the Mongols offered every conquest - tribute or extermination. The city inhabit...

  • When they come to cut her out of her third-floor apartment bedroom, the crowd gathers to point and laugh. A twelve-hundred-pound woman is not without recourse, however, and they underestimate her deranged temperament to their own detriment. Before th...

  • If you listen long enough, you may be convinced of anything. Provided the voice you heed is sufficiently provocative... provided you are prepared to ponder its lies or truths... provided it gets to you early enough. What are the origins of human evil...

  • She has come to his office to give birth, but she is accursed and he knows it. Fortunately, she has chosen wisely and she can afford the best phy-magician in the country. He will safely deliver the demon inside her, and then he'll help her to determi...

  • Like an onion, his plan for her conquest is multi-layered and complex. First, he must educate himself, then he must use that education to accumulate wealth. Finally, he must find a way to enter into her life as an equal. In the meantime, however, he ...

  • The worst of the worst, he is notorious even within a notorious system. When the most violent prison riot in the history of human corrections threatens to bring down a prison’s walls, the consummate gangster will trade inside information for remova...

  • No matter how harsh the instruction or inhumane the conditioning, military doctrine cannot replace compassion with uncaring steel. At his post in the bowels of a Japanese submarine, one frightened boy endures the unspeakable slaughter of an illicit w...

  • It is lush, vibrant, and ever-changing. Though raucous and overgrown with a breathtaking variety of savory, beautiful delights, it is a deliberate expression of harsh discipline. Its keeper is a lonely old woman with a green thumb who seems harmless ...

  • A fleeting shadow skirting the storm-swept shoulder of an isolated country highway, she hitchhikes along the loneliest stretch of pavement in the most deserted hollows of the countryside. When the downpour presses, he insists on giving her a ride, de...

  • As the zombie apocalypse begins, a small group of civil servants find themselves locked in their tollbooths, which are heavily armored against run-away automobiles. Initially, trapped inside their hellish fishbowls, they curse their situation. As the...

  • In this version of the future, science has learned how to identify a propensity for violence within the human mind before it manifests as action, and the violent ones have become targets for extermination. This is a humane, disciplined and well-inten...

  • The Wilderlands exist in an alternate past or a possible future. Depending on perspective, it is a realm inhabited by mysterious wizards or learned disciples of a new religion evolved from the practice of ancient science. Magic or high technology rul...

  • These short stories are intended to appeal to the glorious American psyche. Get it quick. Make it short. End with a twist. Above all else, entertain with quality and value. “The Violent Kind”: He's bound to snap, the violent kind. Sometimes goodn...

  • On a beam of light as in the fog of dreams, a hundred human beings of all ages and walks-of-life find themselves standing on narrow pedestals in a strange auditorium filled with noxious, frigid liquid. With no room to sit or recline, they cannot rest...

  • He's tall, lanky, flabby and sloppy, and his taste for women is low and vulgar. Bernie has one thing going for him, however, for he is prodigiously endowed as a man and he has a thing for ugly women. They dote and fawn over him and Bernie wallows in ...

  • Upon opening a time capsule from 1968, the author finds a letter written by a condemned insurance agent from Texas only minutes before his arrest on capital murder charges. The letter relates the agent's downfall at the hands of a crooked police dete...

  • In the first days of the zombie apocalypse, a military physician and small team of survivors must gather their wits, their weapons and their available resources to make a last stand. When nowhere seems safe and no-one seems immune to the rapidly spre...

  • Tarn is a water world, covered from pole to pole by an incredibly deep ocean. Humankind built only one city there. Situated directly on its equator, terraformers strategically emplaced this massive port to continuously exploit the planet’s boundl...

  • Human populations have ballooned to seventy billion. The world teems to capacity with complacent human beings, and only strict adherence to crushing routine maintains order. Despite harsh discipline, the planet's prisons swell with rebels and reproba...

  • The universe is a strange, all but impenetrable mystery. Every scientific advance sponsors countless new questions, and every new explanation spawns immeasurable unknowns. How can dinosaurs of all kinds and from all epochs of evolution suddenly and r...

  • Wealthy and bored, this unique human being has discovered an unusual way to pass the time of day. His story will both amuse and disturb you, for you, all of you, might at one time or another become the victim of his elaborate pranks. This is the stor...

  • The last frontier is not a destination of space, but of mind. Beyond the constraints and laws of human civilization, freedom is the rule and confinement the exception. Social authorities detest Far-World and all who voyage there, because therein lies...

  • It's a new approach to criminal rehabilitation. It's tough love at its toughest. There, complete isolation and unending hours of boredom act like an acid drip against the tough granite exterior of its recalcitrant inmates. Though it is a humane syste...

  • At over one hundred years old, Grandma Moses is one of America's last true, living witches. Sold into apprenticeship as a young girl and extensively schooled in the black arts, she can solve most human problems with a potion and a spell. Though she n...

  • He is Hate Equinox. She is Loathing Solstice. He is dark of eye and complexion, while she has ivory skin, white hair and a diamond blue gaze. Though they both come from the same community of pagans, they are polar opposites. Growing up together in pu...

  • Declared missing-in-action while serving in Afghanistan, her eldest son's disappearance has left a massive whole in this mother's life. It cannot be filled by human sympathy or the keepsakes of memories, and, though he is certainly dead, she refuses ...

  • The Korengal Valley of Afghanistan was one of the most dangerous places in the world during 2008. There on a daily basis, brave Americans confronted the grim realities of a determined guerilla resistance, as they opposed an all but invisible enemy ex...

  • A young, newlywed couple. A new custom home. A good life. Yet nothing can ever be perfect. When the man of the house begins to experience bizarre nightmares involving a disturbing, pantomime face appearing in his wife's voluminous closet night af...

  • Jermy Borden's seven short years on Planet Earth had already been filled with hardship, deprivation and heartache when, on the way to school one morning, his drunken mother drove their car into a neighbor's home, killing herself and a hamster named -...

  • On a campaign with Alexander the Great, while waging war on a high plateau above an un-named eastern sea, he suffered a bite from a giant canine. His life would never be the same. Wandering through the ages from continent to continent, an immortal, h...

  • He drives a specially modified Snow Cat, shuttling roughnecks to the wildest gas fields on Earth, which are situated along a frozen peninsula in the far northern wastes of Siberia. For decades, he has simultaneously battled the elements and violent b...

  • Born into a wealthy family, Mercy Worth will enjoy every privilege that unimaginable riches can provide, but she will never know love. Her hair and eyes as dark as a starless night sky, from her first day on the planet she is unnaturally watchful and...

  • One of the most pivotal waterborne engagements in history would not be fought ship-to-ship in the traditional fashion of naval warfare, a brutal duel between massive battleships. This titanic contest would be decided without either commander sighting...

  • A ravaged, remnant human population claims the Earth's dismal daylight hours, while bloodthirsty savages rule the night. One aging warrior struggles to take back the darkness. He fights bloodlust with bloodlust, but his most powerful weapon is a terr...

  • His nickname at work, where his colleagues avoid him like a plague, is ""Mr. Accident"". Alongside a lonely stretch of road on his way home one evening, he earns his reputation, once again. While he sits with a dying youth trapped inside an overturne...

  • At five years old, Tiffy is worldly beyond her age. Her disinterested mother and absent father have not wielded much influence in her life, and she roams neighborhood streets at all hours of the day and evening without supervision. Recently fleeing w...

  • He is the scourge of the night, every bachelorette's worst nightmare. He has already killed many single young ladies, and he will certainly kill again. Tonight, he lingers outside the house of his next intended victim. Watching. Waiting.When he sees ...

  • Bad things happen to the people Pablo loves. Bad, bloody things. Indeed, his hapless path through life is littered with the human wreckage of lives badly wasted; of men, women and children inexplicably maimed and murdered. Though his presence is ever...

  • When their yacht sinks just east of New Zealand during a round-the-world sailing trip, three survivors somehow manage to pile themselves into a single tiny life raft. Adrift on one of the wildest seas in the world, their struggle to survive is a desp...

  • To earn extra money, he decided to volunteer for service in Afghanistan as a civilian technologist. During training provided by the government, he vowed he would never allow terrorists to easily cut off his head for their propaganda machine. Instead,...

  • He's a notorious corporate spy. His last job uncovered a disturbing truth long and deeply buried by the powers-that-be. Though his corporate enemies have kept him imprisoned by flying him endlessly around the world, he is neither forgotten or alone. ...

  • In this vision of the future, the most prestigious vacation money can buy is a trip to a corporate planet overgrown with a jungle wilderness. There, wealthy tourists gird armor and fantastically powerful weapons to hunt strange chimeras through an en...

  • Wrongfully convicted and long confined in one of the worst prisons in the United States, he is bitter and angry. Despite a million-dollar settlement, his thirst for vengeance cannot be peacefully appeased, and his lust for blood ultimately turns on t...

  • While waiting for his wife to finish shopping, he stumbles across a strangely ornate spiral stairway hidden away at the back of the local mall. Bored, he decides to descend a flight or two to examine the strange window displays arranged along its ou...

  • He is a devil, not THE devil. Regardless, his productivity is a measure of human misery. His undertakings are of human vice. His indulgence is bound in human suffering. Today, he will pass the reins of management to a successor, and you are selected ...

  • They are the perfect couple, if perfection is a measure of lies and deception. They travel from town to town, conning their way across country, working confidence games, large and small. When their past turns up to haunt them, they both quickly reali...

  • Modern cultures are awash in in the reflections of humankind’s primitive past. Often, only graven images of ancient violence pass through eons of time to speak to us today, and it is these Death Eidolons that enable us to understand the darkest poi...

  • In a dystopian, apocalyptic future, he is the quintessential survivalist, a heartless loner. The only things that stand between him and death each day are his maxims. He relies on them to manage the violence inherent within a world gone mad, and they...

  • Alter the future today by reading this story. Edited untold eons into our future to manipulate their past, our present, the message of this story is tailored word-by-word to exact a desired effect from each reader. The resultant distortion of space a...

  • The mean streets of Skid Row teem with unhappy characters. Each has his or her own sordid tale to tell about their current condition and the sorry fate that deposited them there. Meet ""Narrator"", a documentary film maker who has come to interview t...

  • 1943. World War II. The U.S. government drafted him out of his life of normalcy and complacency into the life of a United States Marine Corps officer. After intensive training, he would serve during some of the bloodiest assaults of the war. The viol...

  • Pyatak, in Russian, means "slash five". It is the last stop for the most violent and incorrigible prisoners in the modern Russian penal system. Famously, it is said to have two ways in and only one way out. Inmates enter its cages via a dilapidated, ...

  • Born to the street and abandoned by his paranoid, drug-addicted mother, a young boy struggles to evade vicious predators, who hope to exploit him, and insistent authorities, who hope to save him. His only ally is his extreme natural intelligence, and...

  • He hates clowns. His wife thinks they're cute. When they unexpectedly inherit an unimaginable fortune complete with fast cars, fine furnishings, and multiple large houses, they learn nothing comes free. The one catch to their apparent good fortune is...

  • Football is big business in the United States, but it plays largest in Texas. In Texas, football money is BIG money, and the best players start young. During high school, college scouts come calling, but they're only seeking winners. Nobody likes to ...

  • His pranks are sinister and macabre, but each one offers a critical life lesson to his hapless victims. His neighbors, coworkers, and acquaintances rarely associate their strange misfortunes with the odd young man in their midst. Yet, he is always wa...

  • He is a secret agent assigned to fight a war of time. He serves an alien overlord, which has subjugated humankind through untold generations. They use him to execute subtle manipulations of time and space by sending him on mysterious errands to faraw...

  • An unknown client contracted him to assassinate a quirky, unassuming middle-aged man with no apparent enemies and no violent tendencies. After the first attempt fails, the distraught hitman determines to learn what went wrong. During his covert discu...

  • When we dream of falling, we inevitably awaken at the moment of impact. When we run for our lives from monsters or madmen, we invariably rouse before the bloodthirsty end. Myth and folklore imply we die in the waking world when we die in our dreams, ...

  • In a dystopian future, humankind has lost its love of violence. Peace has so long ruled the land that we have lost all means of confronting the resurgence of a genocidal revolution, which threatens to reduce human society to a state of chaos and anar...

  • She's twelve years old and she's desperately in love with the fourteen-year-old boy who lives next door. He knows her as his best friend, but he's too preoccupied with his own travails to return her affection.Since his mother went missing three years...

  • On a sunny afternoon, he meets the love of his life and the bane of his existence in the same event. She is beautiful, wealthy and sweet. Unfortunately, she is also the mother of an extremely intelligence and overly protective five-year-old boy who t...

  • On the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year of the eleventh holy epoch, he killed God. First, you're probably asking, “Why eleven?” Second you're probably asking, “God with a capita...

  • Has Earth been visited by extraterrestrials? Yes. They live among us today. They watch us every moment of our lives with one intensely unwavering focus: to maintain the secrecy of their presence. Their surveillance technology is unimaginable. Their c...

  • He was an enigma and a genius. He was perhaps the greatest chess strategist of all time. Unable to relate to his fellow human beings, he relied upon his pieces in rank and file for all his companionship and comfort. Though their friendship is decided...

  • Every day, we confront ourselves in mirrors of various shapes and sizes. We stare into them, and our reflection stares back. Within these visions, everything about our reflection is backward, opposite, and reversed. Laws of physics prevent one side f...

  • He was a child prodigy born with an irrepressible genius. He grew into a clever sociopath. When he graduated at the top of his class at a remarkably young age, the U.S. government recruited him directly out of the university and assigned him to a top...

  • On a brilliant fall afternoon, a powerful blast of energy erupted from the cosmos, burned across the solar system, and laid waste to every living thing on Earth. Notice was short and defense impossible. From the lowliest to the loftiest, none survive...

  • It shapes the cosmos by confining the stars and is, perhaps, the interstellar sire of human spawn. Within each mind Dark Matter abides, the primordial ancestor of all things chaotic, violent and destructive. Gravitational and inert, it unyieldingly o...

  • In the Common Era year 2113, Major Maximillia Brandenburg activated humankind’s first rendition of a differential gravity drive, momentarily exiting the multiverse and consequently cheating the physical barricade prohibiting faster-than-light trave...

  • Civilization deconstructed itself like a riot in a madhouse. One minute it all functioned with a standard sort of craziness, and the next it devolved into ten billion psychotic inmates at each other’s throats like suddenly sprung animals. Survivors...

  • In the aftermath of a genocidal galactic invasion by hordes of ravenous aliens, the abandoned inhabitants of Pentax Nine, a remotely isolated colony cut off from all sources of resupply, devise a desperate plan to save themselves from certain annihil...

  • God's second son. Humankind's second sin. His crime, the first crime. Therefore, the greatest. After he murdered his brother, the bloody stone tumbled from his left hand, and he covered his youthful victim with earth. This, a tale told endlessly thro...

  • After he follows a wealthy runaway debutante from Boston to the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, an American investigator must hire a local guide to lead him into the dense jungles of the Mesoamerican interior in search of her. As they penetrate deeper i...

  • Love is a powerful human emotion. The apex of its ideal uplifts the human condition and is called ‘inspiration'. Its nadir degrades the soul and is called ‘fanaticism'. When Satan walks the Earth in patent leather pumps, a short skirt and all the...

  • Take away all a man has. Burn away every sense but that of pain. Blow away the ashes of everything he once was and will no longer be. What remains? Something deadly. Make a man into such a thing, and you make him into something worse than an animal. ...

  • "They are five rough characters in service of the mysterious and powerful Heart Witch of the Gods. She has tasked them to enshrine the latest acolytes of her Sinister Profligate Palm, a jewel-encrusted platinum talisman of unknown power. Follow them ...

  • As two adolescent boys struggle to survive the interior spaces of the American Midwest, they endure the inevitable rites of passage associated with the angst of puberty. Though their suburban surroundings present a façade of normalcy, the bullies wh...

  • A contemporary incarnation of Janus, the two-faced god, Mordrake is not one man, but two, for he lives with a conjoined, parasitic twin. He is both Adonis and demon, gentleman and lunatic, and he has eyes in the back of his head. He is Mordrake and M...

  • Nightland resides within an extraordinary region of time and space bound only by limits of sheer imagination. Its ephemeral pinnacles soar near the apex of human aspiration while its abysmal valleys plunge deeply into the darkest landscapes of global...

  • During the summer of 1968, the Nightland, Incorporated carnival stopped in suburban Pecan Groves, Texas to stage a one-week show. Its performances paralleled a three-man prison escape, the miraculous resurrection of a cherished young boy, and the mys...

  • Every stellar rise deserves a cosmic fall. Inhumanly callous and ruthlessly selfish, he made a fortune in predatory mortgage loans prior to the economic collapse of 2008. In its calamitous aftermath, executive handlers staged him for a corporate pats...

  • A thousand years ago, stoic Norsemen built resilient ocean-going longboats from wood and iron. Through four centuries of conquest, in these robust vessels countless Viking adventurers set forth from homelands of ice and snow to claim victory or Valha...

  • In a utopian future, humanity divides itself into two kinds. A vast majority of citizens represent the first kind, and they are as physically flawless as they are psychologically perfect. Second-kind live apart, confined to the Deviant Compartment. T...

  • Insomnia is a special kind of torture. Its short-term effects are something everyone experiences from time to time, but its long-term effects are known only to an unfortunate few. These effects include panic attacks, paranoia, and phobias. Eventually...

  • Forty years a soldier. Forty years a spy. Forty years an international trafficker of weapons and drugs. All, the accomplishments of one nameless man, a “spook”. From the frozen highlands of Korea, through the sweltering hinterlands of Vietnam, in...

  • On Friday, October 13th of 1307, the Knights Templar ceased to exist. Imprisoned, tortured and executed, in a single day, every soldier of that once-powerful order became a capital offender with no hope for reprieve. Fabulously wealthy at the time, t...

  • The Wilderlands exist in an alternate past or a possible future. Depending on perspective, it is a realm inhabited by mysterious wizards or learned disciples of a new religion evolved from the practice of ancient science. Magic or high technology rul...

  • The Wilderlands exist in an alternate past or a possible future. Depending on perspective, it is a realm inhabited by mysterious wizards or learned disciples of a new religion evolved from the practice of ancient science. Magic or high technology rul...

  • He is the worst of the worst; a perverted deviant and an elusive killer who presents himself as an old-fashioned country preacher. She is the distraught widow of a man who successfully embezzled a fortune. With her two young children, she lives amid ...

  • Corporate lobotomies. Psychotically amorous semi-sentient bots. Endless corridors. Countless unlabeled doors, all viciously locked. A lethally dysfunctional social infrastructure rife with corruption, inefficiency, and crime. Spiraling homicide rates...

  • On Friday of Easter weekend in Juglan, Texas, many strange events distract from the festivities. Telephone service is sporadic and failing. Fires burn out of control. Police services are nonexistent. The dead and the dying accumulate on the streets. ...

  • If the trials of childhood form the adult, then Stanley Newberry is growing into a grotesquely misshapen lump of a thing. All the popular people tell him so. Since he first met his classmates in grade school, Fat Stanley has singly borne the brunt of...

  • Dire questions inevitably linger when someone disappears from a troubled marriage… from a troubled life… from the entire world. When Efren Sinclair’s wife takes a permanent vacation from their comfortable existence, all eyes turn to him, accusa...

  • Corporal Terrance “Tare” McGee, retired, was the prodigal princeling of his Texas trailer park until the United States Army decided to euthanize his former partner, a military working dog, also retired, named ‘Perquisite’ or, most affectionat...

  • Near the turn of the first century, the Ninth Legion disappeared from frontier borderlands separating Romanized Britannia from the uncivilized lowlands of Caledonia. Between its first deployment there during Agricola’s invasion in 84AD and the retu...

  • In a limb-mangling medical emergency, semi-sentient robots will save your life, but they will also steal your identity, pilfer your belongings and sexually assault your unconscious body at the same time. In this satirical (but true) depiction of your...

  • In pursuit of a naïve, hopeful tradition that once anticipated a cosmos overflowing with advanced civilizations, centuries of continual space exploration ultimately confirmed humankind’s terrible loneliness. Beneath the generations-long shadow of ...

  • Peddlers and snake oil, pimps and pornography, lunatics and paranoia… each pair travels the same darkened alleyways to service identical shadow-bound gates. We receive them by the backdoor, thank you, and always well into the evening. These are pri...

  • Within each human being lingers a mischievous child, but each of us also cages an unformed primitive. We keep our individual id-monster within the tempered bars of civility, yet it remains our secret delight of a darkened, unobserved evening and we m...

  • A silly titmouse once sang sweetly to describe love as “a many-splendored thing”. Perhaps this is so. For some. For others, love’s terrible spectacle shines in its many violent twists and unexpected turns. Each feckless angle of its affection o...

  • Mothers no longer name their sons ‘Adolph’. Almost everyone knows why. Though all innocent babes do not develop into monsters, all monsters develop from innocent babes. We prefer fiction to reality, because thoughts of the former easily yield to ...

  • Within realms of the unknown, superstition stalks. Primitives see god in a rainbow, but they also suspect a deadly serpent beneath every unturned stone. Ignorance and fear sometimes unite to inspire us or spare us, but more often this demonic duality...

  • Disinfectants, detergents, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and homicides " everything a human being needs to clear his or her lot and start fresh in life, clean and pure, and it all waits at the press of a finger. Some of us love a good disast...

  • Several of the best human hypocrisies are immortalized in catechisms. We say “violence never solved anything” when history repeatedly teaches us otherwise, and once we prematurely labeled an entire, global war as “The War to End All Wars” lon...

  • Are we alone in the universe? To date, all indications tell us we are, in fact, the only intelligent form of life currently inhabiting our Milky Way Galaxy, at least. Aliens may survive in government laboratories, but they are naturally difficult to ...

  • Champions come in all shapes and forms. The same is true of cowards. Most of us line up somewhere between these two extremes of potential, but none of us eagerly anticipate having to prove ourselves in a crossfire. In fact, most notable acts of heroi...

  • Tabloids invite us to gorge ourselves on tales of epic personal failures, and so many of us eagerly oblige. Guilty pleasures, we savor these stories most satisfactorily with a garnish of sex scandal, a dash of fiscal malfeasance and a generous dollop...

  • While the vast majority perishes in quiet anonymity, a tour of any national monument quickly reveals countless names carved into stone. These names generally identify three classes of people; scribe, conquered and conqueror. Indeed, if anything, life...

  • During his service as an intern at the SETI Project, Simian Wynwood fatefully records “first contact” with an alien intelligence. Captured in high-fidelity analog format, this broadcast message contains vast stores of advanced, world-changing tec...

  • While we collectively fear wild animals and muggers, most contemporary plagues come in the guise of unavoidable corporate logos and unforgettable commercial jingles. This new and most modern form of disease presents symptoms that include unhealthy ob...

  • Boogeymen, banshees, werewolves and vampires; all figments of horror drawn upon parchments of fable, each the product of individual phobias, like quills, dipped into inkwells of collective nightmare. Despite vaguely amusing caricatures, these monstro...

  • Rascals, rapscallions, villains and varlets; all terms of a bygone era intended to describe the guy in the black hat, that perverse character of low virtue and strayed morality who forever ties the distressed damsel to cold, steel rails. Gasp! Within...

  • Matriculating across that stage, nothing betrayed the Texas sand behind his ears, though his stiff, high collar hid a neck roasted red by long hours spent laboring beneath August sunshine. Indeed, years of careful study and patient attention had poli...

  • During an otherwise placid Thursday morning commute, human civilization deconstructed itself like a riot in a madhouse, one hand-to-hand death-brawl at a time. None escaped the slaughter. Perversely efficient in the aftermath, an alien-incepted Termi...

  • Simian Wynwood opened Simian's Gate by recording first contact with alien intelligence. This alien broadcast delivered the so-called SETI-Store, which remained in an incomprehensible state until a young savant used outmoded analog processing equipmen...

  • This compendium contains three complete novels comprising the middle trilogy of the Terminus Series. Titles include Simian's Gate, Simian's Walk, and Simian's Way.Simian's Gate: During his service as an intern at the SETI Project, Simian Wynwood ...

  • Black eyeliner. Black lashes. Black lips. Black hair. Through it all, peers the white-cake face of Darling Girl Jones, orphan.From time to time, she awakens in her academy dorm room to find an ethereal spirit haunting her bed. Never disturbing, alway...

  • Isolated by rumors of adultery and murder, 'Cat Lady Cassie' has long lived alone amid Florida's sprawling Everglades. Although she is the reluctant caretaker of thirty-one felines, she loathes cats - especially the vermin-ridden feral strays that se...

  • BLACKTOP is 90,000 square miles of desert sand fused into glass by World President Trump's Biga-Bomb. There, anarchy reigns. Horsepower, torque and displacement are matters of life and death. Only the most deviant criminal thrives. This is her story....

  • The lumps on Tuggle Imp's head will soon converge atop his dented skull. After eons of review, he suspects this merger will correspond to a portentous lunar alignment. Such coincidence has happened from time to time throughout his centuries-long inte...

  • This is the true-to-life horror story of a boy born without a name into a lifetime of loss, suffering and sorrow. Bestially abused throughout his formative years, the boy has the appearance of a patchwork monster by the time he arrives at a notorious...

  • Heaven has gone missing from Sanctum and the boy named Manga must somehow rescue her from the malign possession of Momma Parker and her demented husband. Gathering the aid of new friends, Kincaid and Gene-Jeannie, he will stage a first violent revolt...

  • Black eyeliner, lashes, lips and hair. Ghostly pale skin. This is Darling Girl Jones, orphan.From time to time, she awakens in her academy dorm room to find an ethereal spirit haunting her bed. Never disturbing, always intriguing, such an event is a ...

  • A compendium of three original novellas, this is the true-to-life horror story of a boy born without a name into a lifetime of loss, suffering and sorrow. Bestially abused throughout his formative years, the boy has the appearance of a patchwork mons...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Stephen Donald Huff has published 198 books.

Stephen Donald Huff does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Manga, Heaven and Hell, was published in September 2022.

The first book by Stephen Donald Huff, Watami, was published in November 2006.

No. Stephen Donald Huff does not write books in series.