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Ramona Finn's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    18 Books (2 Series)
  • First Book:
    September 2016
  • Latest Book:
    April 2024
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Full Series List in Order

The Culling Trilogy

1 - The Culling (Nov-2017)
2 - The Authority (Jan-2018)

The Glitches

1 - The Glitch (Sep-2016)
2 - The Empties (Nov-2016)
3 - The Norm (Apr-2017)

Book List in Order: 18 titles

  • Being human means more than just surviving.In Lib’s world, it’s dangerous to deviate from the Norm. In fact, for someone who doesn’t live up to the AI’s standards, it’s practically a death sentence. Lib learns this the hard way when she wak...

  • Is survival worth any price? Cast out of the Norm, Lib must fight for every second of life among the Rogues in the desert wasteland that is now her home, scavenging in abandoned cities known as the Empties. With the help of fellow Glitch Skye she hop...

  • So good!! I love the plot and character structure!! AWESOME!!! It deserves a place in the same shelf as the Hunger Games and Divergent series!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Can't wait for the Empties!! - Katherine Atkins For the first time, ...

  • Can a Glitch ever overcome her programming?
 Escaping the AI’s clutches came with a heavy price, but Lib is about the find out the worst is yet to come. While Lib is desperately searching for answers in her mother’s former home, the abandoned E...

  • Torn in two directions, Glade must make one fateful choice -- for herself, and the future of humanity.Glade Io is a rebel. Having fled with her younger sisters to live among the Ferrymen, she knows there is no going back now. She is committed to the ...

  • When everything she’s ever known is a lie, one young woman must make a choice that could change the course of history.Glade Io is torn between two worlds. She’s a trained killing machine -- selected by the ruthless Authority to be a Datapoint, a ...

  • Torn in two directions, Glade must make one fateful choice—for herself, and the future of humanity. Glade Io is a rebel. Having fled with her younger sisters to live among the Ferrymen, she knows there is no going back now. She is committe...

  • She's a miracle—one BioPure intends to recapture at any cost. In a world devastated by the Zero Virus, the BioPure vaccine was the cure that saved millions in the apocalyptic aftermath. Yet, it had an unfortunate side effect: it inhibited ...

  • Book One: The PairingsThe secret is locked in her mind—and they'll do anything to get it.Generations ago, humanity was devastated by a virus that wiped billions from the planet. If not for AmeriGlobe's Pairing programme to match immune survivor...

  • They thought the virus had been eradicated—but it was only the beginning. Now the race is on. The rebel forces are hitting BioPure from all sides, but memory depletion is spreading rapidly as the virus New Zero takes hold of the populace.&...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Ramona Finn has published 18 books.

Ramona Finn does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Decemites, was published in April 2024.

The first book by Ramona Finn, The Glitch, was published in September 2016.

Yes. Ramona Finn has 2 series.