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Jamie McNabb's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    53 Books (2 Series)
  • First Book:
    May 2011
  • Latest Book:
    February 2023
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Full Series List in Order

The Assassins of Harmony

1 - The Turning of the Wheel (Mar-2022)
2 - Ulricka's Gambit (Apr-2022)
3 - The Heretic's Son (May-2022)

Daisy Wong, Space Marshal

1 - The Blond Chinaman (Mar-2013)
2 - The Hell of the Missing Days (Mar-2013)
3 - The Hell of the Time-Travelling Sinners (Mar-2013)
4 - The Case of the Extra Corpse (Mar-2013)
5 - The Runaway Concubine (Mar-2013)
6 - The Precious Cargo (Dec-2013)

Book List in Order: 53 titles

  • A deadly dispute was brewing between the two yogis. It was dispute so violent in its potential that they seemed to have forgotten their decades of training, to have thrown away its wisdom.Yoga had taught the two yogis inner peace, bodily calm, and t...

  • (SHORT STORY, INCLUDES A BONUS SHORT STORY)Life and death in the frigid waters of the North Pacific.The prudent skipper avoids reefs, rocks, and shipping containers. Or tries to.Off Japan, the freighter Pacific Trading Victor loses a clutch of cargo...

  • (SHORT STORY COLLECTION) Danger lurks on the high seas, on the banks of a mythic river, and in a 19th century lumber port! Storms, collisions, abandonment, a fed-up ferryman, and Queen Victoria's birthday-they all mean terrible trouble for the denize...

  • (SHORT STORY)An ancient legacy spells big trouble for a modern man.When his beloved grandfather leaves him an old wooden box and a few shares of stock, Crispin Ames takes it into his head that the old man has stiffed him. However, a shadowy governmen...

  • (Short Story) When the first mate of the 19th century lumber schooner SANTIANNA finds his captain and business partner brutally murdered, he decides that he must bring the ship into port as soon as possible. However, he soon discovers that he must ...

  • (SHORT STORY): When it comes to weddings among the fraternal comrades in America, even in this relaxed day and age, the happy couple must take great care with theguest list.  Sadly, this is not always the case.Overcom...

  • (SHORT STORY)Nothing beats the smell of a burning witch. Or so Uncle Zhiguli, the witch-burner-in-chief of a sawmill town on the lower Columbia River, has always believed.When he takes it into his head to rid his beloved area of its new high prieste...

  • Simeon Black has an undeath or dead-death problem. A few nights ago, the ugliest woman imaginable attacked him on his way home. She sank her teeth into his neck. To make a long story short, he woke up in the morning a vampire. Better than a cockr...

  • (Short Story plus a Bonus Novella) "The Sink" is my take on one of Hemingway's better-known stories about hunting in Africa. Needless to say, my more feminist-minded first-readers did not take kindly to it, although others found it to be an insightfu...

  • Memories can be dangerous. They have the power to cast long shadows. They can ensnare the unwary and the desperate. They can trap and hold captive. In that sense, they're a bit like spiders. or outhouses, which also trap and hold captive. Outhouse bu...

  • The old man, the kid, and the swami build things and they solve problems. They love their projects and stand ready to help, no matter what. So when the occupants of one of their creations ask for their help, they sail to the rescue. However, when the...

  • (Short Story: Urban Fantasy) Spiritually and emotionally, Beatrice died years ago. After the death of her one and only child, she pushed her life away with both hands. She refused to embrace any of it: not her husband, not her career, not the poss...

  • Danger fills the life of Jahnu, apprentice to Kazhaymir the Magnificent, court magician to His Imperial Majesty Fahim the Inscrutable. Under normal circumstances, Jahnu would bask in a life of reflected privilege; however, his master has fallen out o...

  • (Novella: Thriller, Dark Satire) When two malicious home invaders steal a valuable antique vase and sexually assault Johnny Rohgan, despite his effort to fight them off with a weighted baseball bat, the police accuse Johnny of using excessive force a...

  • (SHORT STORY: MYTHOLOGY, FANTASY, NAUTICAL ADVENTURE) Between death and Eternity stands the ferryman. No money, no ticket. No ticket, no passage. No passage, no Eternity. For the newly dead, everlasting bliss awaits on the other side of the rive...

  • (Short Story) When a customer wanders in looking for a fine used spaceship, one that can do the impossible, Honest John is confronted with a serious problem. On the one hand, he feels compelled to live up to his reputation for honesty, while on the...

  • (SHORT STORY) Sudden terror on the Pacific Ocean. Romantic adventure aboard a 29' sailboat. He doesn't want to take the daughter of his father's most important customer sailing, but the old man insists. He needs this for the business. When the gi...

  • (SHORT STORY: HISTORICAL) Queen Victoria's seventy-first birthday. An Englishman far from home and homesick. All he wanted was a cup of English tea. Served properly. On clean china. On clean table linen. In the small port of Garibaldi, Oregon, in the...

  • (Short Short) Crushed rock for water. Empty fuel and water tanks. Rust and malignant rot. Her final owner's splendid ideas, overwhelmed by his exhausting work schedule. Memories of sunny anchorages, of fresh paint, and of laughter. "The Sedan Cruiser...

  • Danger on the high seas. When the weather turns snotty, a fine April sail up the Oregon coast turns nasty. Cold water and hot tempers mix together into a lethal, swirling brew.Check out Jamie's website at

  • (SHORT STORY) An old proverb among the Oreques states, "Anything can happen when Elves go bad."When the Dark Elves first appeared, the Oreques could tell their new allies had gone bad. After all, they had extinguished their Elvin light. The Oreques a...

  • (SHORT STORY PLUS A BONUS SHORT STORY) According to Lt. Daisy Wong, space marshal, "Some guys can act too Chinese for their own good." Randolph Edward Lau, Martian big shot, wins this year's prize. He is tall for a Chinese, but despite his dark-brown...

  • (Short Story, Science Fiction) When Virgil's Little Chapel of the Cosmos, located on the idyllic Lagrange Colony PRAXIS, ends up with one corpse too many, Lt. Daisy Wong, Space Marshal, investigates. The extra corpse turns out to be part of a shipmen...

  • (SHORT STORY, INCLUDES BONUS MATERIAL)He fouled up their drug deal, and now the Martian mob seeks it diabolical revenge.When an inept drug smuggler goes missing, Daisy Wong's superiors assign her to the case. The trail begins on Praxis, a Bavarian-th...

  • (Short Story, Science Fiction, Mystery) The discovery of a murder victim wedged against the intake screen of a sewage-reclamation plant sends Lt. Daisy Wong on a dangerous chase for the killer. She follows the trail through a maze of desperate politi...

  • (Science Fiction, Novelette Plus a Bonus Novelette) When one of tong boss Snakeskin Wong's favored concubines disappears, he calls in his beloved niece, Space Marshal Daisy Wong, to track her down and return the gallivanting, horribly misguided young...

  • (SHORT STORY, INCLUDES NEW BONUS MATERIAL) Blood, death, and redemption. As the enemies of his people close in, one man sets out to build a weapon that no invading army can prevail against. He vows to teach iron to fly. Although enmeshed in a feud...

  • Many decades after his death in 1953, Comrade Stalin finds himself in an Orthodox church, locked in a furious debate with St. Seraphim of Sarov, one of Russia's more popular saints. As a former seminarian and dedicated Marxist revolutionary, Comrade...

  • (Short Story, Horror and Fantasy, Includes Bonus Material)A looming dinner party has the power to drive the prospective host and hostess to unimaginable heights of desperation. However, neighbors often volunteer to help, especially with the cooking,...

  • (SHORT STORY, SCIENCE FICTION) The ship was an elegant interplanetary luxury liner, but death has book a first-class suite.When headquarters first sent Daisy Wong, Space Marshal, to “impound or destroy” a shipment of lethal contraband, she had n...

  • (Short Story, Science Fiction; Plus a Bonus Story) When you run a diner, you never know who or what is gonna come in through the door. In other words, natural selection-what a racket! Yes, indeed, when it comes to evolution, the disadvantaged species...

  • (Science Fiction and Historical Fiction Collection) This is a novel-length collection of short stories and novellas. The main selection is "Jousting For Ma's New Brain". This is a story about a kindly man, Gunner Gullnickson, in a vicious game. Like ...

  • (Short Story, Science Fiction) Reproductive rights? Civil rights? Concepts to cherish, but when a devastating plague sterilizes all but a handful of the men in the solar system, such noble sentiments fly out the nearest airlock. True, the resulti...

  • The tugboat business on the Columbia River eats fools for breakfast. According to Mack McNaughton, his uncle Chauncey Winston qualifies. But Chauncey controls the family business, Winston Tug and Barge. And he plans to transform it from a regional pl...

  • Weddings. Joyous, happy, weddings. They are the sacramental union or man and wife -- celebrations in the truest sense. Indeed, Jesus performed the very first miracle of his public ministry at a wedding.Where would we be without weddings? We'd be in a...

  • Sam loves his wife and he loves his boat. He especially loves new boating gear. However, when his darling wife presents him with a new, high-tech life jacket, Sam begins to have his doubts. This innovation doesn't seem practical. A personal floatatio...

  • Octogenarians Jack and Betty Luckner have an iron-willed sense of justice and a street-smart fearlessness. When one too many of their friends dies unexpectedly, Jack and Betty confront the possibility that a serial killer is stalking their jolly reti...

  • A murder holds the key to the fate of nearly two million souls . . .The generation ship New Mayflower nears the end of her voyage and the end of her tether. Disaster looms as surely as the ship's destination.Isham Ellis's charismatic grandfather give...

  • Have you ever done something that didn't work out the way you'd imagined it would?We've all had ambitions that turned out to be disastrous.Often we know the risks going in, but we go in nevertheless. At such times, we are, as they say, a danger to ou...

  • What would it be like to be a cop on a thriving but dangerous space colony?Lt. Daisy Wong, Space Marshal, lives and works in just such a place, Diligence, a Lagrange colony poised between the Earth and the Moon.She never lets go of a case, and her re...

  • Back in the day, worn-out wooden ships were often beached and burned for their metal fittings. It was an easy way to squeeze the last remaining value out of their otherwise useless bones. These days, more often than not, just about the same thing hap...

  • Eternity is unimaginably other. It is so other that we can't even begin to wrap our minds around it, let alone understand it. It remains the ultimate mystery, the intractable unknown and unknowable.However, now and then, we are able to catch glimpses...

  • Just a few acts of ecoterrorism can ruin your whole summer.July runs into August, and Holiday Warrior runs into a drifting naval mine. The explosion echoes across much of the Broughton Archipelago in British Columbia. The debris rains down onto seren...

  • This is a collection of dystopian, science-fiction stories. Some feature a straight-up action-adventure narrative, some offer a touch of humor, while others provide a dark, dystopian tone. They all offer a surfeit of courage in the face of overwhelmi...

  • The wheel of time keeps turning. It stops for no one. Only heretics question the holy history—they question the presence of the ash. Like Vlod's father. The Mother Metropolitan had no choice but to execute him. The laws of the Inland ...

  • What if heresy proves the only way to avoid a holy war? Such a war threatens the Inland Empire and the Holy Oregon. It stalks the Mother Metropolitan, as confident of its success as a Malheur Cobra hunting a barn rat. Only the unification o...

  • War comes knocking on Clan Iredale's front door. As diplomacy fails, one chieftain's choice will decide the fate of his clan. One magus's heroism will decide the fate of the Inland Empire and the Holy Oregon.Edmund, chieftain of Clan Iredale, ha...

  • The Chosen of the GenerationsThe Assassins of Harmony, Book 4 The Wheel of Time turns, and The Generations choose. There is no appeal. Only the choice… Vernon, chieftain and ruler of Clan Innes-Martin fears not his death but his succ...

  • The wheel of time keeps turning. It stops for no one. It cannot be escaped.As the flames of the funeral pyre consume Clan Iredale's dead, Dagna, the chieftain's second daughter, chants a single name over and over, so the Gods will remember. It is a n...

  • Vernon's eyes were the eyes of the dancer.She had journeyed with Vernon, chieftain of Clan Sauvie, up from the Land of the Five rivers. She had traveled in her rosewood case, but now she had put off its splendid luxury.She must bear witness to the re...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Jamie McNabb has published 53 books.

Jamie McNabb does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, IN SELDON'S HALL, was published in February 2023.

The first book by Jamie McNabb, The Yogis Duel at Cobra Temple, was published in May 2011.

Yes. Jamie McNabb has 2 series.