Author Information
Eileen Pollack's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    10 Books
  • First Book:
    October 1991
  • Latest Book:
    October 2019
  • Author Rating:
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Book List in Order: 10 titles

  • Stories deal with a woman whose town has been invaded by rock fans, a young rabbi who has to cope with her ultra-Orthodox predecessor who refuses to move out of the house, and others who must come to terms with the beliefs of their youth...

  • Trying to keep her family's Catskill resort solvent, Lucy Appelbaum copes with interference from her family, incensed at her love for a black handyman, from a nearby Hasid, from elderly Communists leading a hotel strike, and from her opinionated staf...

  • Trying to keep her family's Catskill resort solvent, Lucy Appelbaum copes with interference from her family, incensed at her love for a black handyman, from a nearby Hasid, from elderly Communists leading a hotel strike, and from her opinionated staf...

  • “…an American talent…”―Stephen King Pollack writes about times of tragedy and transition insightfully, aware of their everyday quality and of their gravity. In the Mouth is a window onto the amazing tenderness and irrationality of human lif...

  • Set against the tragic events of the Oklahoma City bombings, Breaking and Entering follows Christian/Jewish couple Louise and Richard Shapiro as they move from California to rural Michigan with their daughter Molly in an attempt to save their marriag...

  • In an age of minimalists, Eileen Pollack is a writer of rare generosity. The women and men in "The Rabbi in the Attic" are complex, vivid people to whom something happens. Their stories take place in small towns in the Catskills, a laboratory of muta...

  • Stuck with a plane ticket to Israel bought for her by a Polish Catholic ex-boyfriend, Eileen Pollack sets out on a hectic, solitary journey around the country, cataloging the region’s rich history, natural beauty, and troubled politics, while exami...

  • A luminous and insightful novel that considers the moral complexities of scientific discovery and the sustaining nature of love. A young researcher at MIT, Jane Weiss is obsessed with finding the genetic marker for Valentine’s Disease, a neurod...

  • When Ketzel Weinrach’s beloved brother Potsie goes missing in Las Vegas, she not only must try to find him, she must confront her family’s shady history and their ties to the legendary Jewish mob, Murder, Inc., as well as her troubling relationsh...

  • Professor Maxine Sayers once found her personal and professional life so fulfilling that she founded the Institute of Future Studies, a program dedicated to studying the effects of technology on our culture and finding ways to prolong human life. But...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Eileen Pollack has published 10 books.

Eileen Pollack does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Professor of Immortality, was published in October 2019.

The first book by Eileen Pollack, The Rabbi in the Attic and Other Stories, was published in October 1991.

No. Eileen Pollack does not write books in series.