A Homespun Mother's Day
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    Original story collection
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List of Titles

Author Book Series Genre Date Rating Genre      
(ss) Historical Romance / HR 4.5
(ss) Historical Romance / HR 0
(ss) Historical Romance / HR 0
  • Description:
    Share the joys of motherhood with its laughter and tears, hope and heartache, caring and compassion...

    Three delightful tales of family ties and mother's love in the Heartland of America...

    TWICE BLESSED by Rebecca Hagan Lee
    Marriage and motherhood go hand in hand when a young woman cares for a little boy -- and then fells in love with his handsome father.

    EMMA'S DAY by Jill Metcalf
    A caring woman opened her home to a stranger. But it took her daughter's romantic encouragement to give her heart to him, too.

    COMING HOME by Teresa Warfield
    The old sayings passed down from Grandma seem like pure folly -- until they predict a very special love...