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Aaron Galvin's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    17 Books
  • First Book:
    April 2014
  • Latest Book:
    February 2021
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Book List in Order: 17 titles

  • Freedom isn't free.

    Chidi Etienne never asked for a Salted life. Kidnapped from the surface when she was a girl, Chidi still remembers what freedom felt like before her cruel owner forced her to wear a mystical sealskin and shapeshift the anim...

  • The trials stopped. The witchcraft didn't.Freedom comes with the moonlight for Puritan teenager Sarah Kelly. Growing up in the post-Salem colonies, night is the only time she can steal away into the woods and shed the humble constraints society place...

  • Anyone can be taken. Not everyone escapes. Chidi Etienne ran from slavery knowing her chance at freedom meant beatings or worse to those she left behind. Still, the promise of life on land and the right to choose her destiny proved too great a hope ...

  • Sarah Kelly fears a father’s sins are revisited upon the children. Her sister believes different. Adopted by the Miamiak and raised in the wilderness, Rebecca shares no such concerns. For her, memories of their early life and of Hecate’s attack r...

  • A magical mystery. A girl with a big imagination. Every year, when the last leaf of summer falls, roses are laid at the grave of Lainey Grace. The only trouble is that no one knows who steals...

  • History is the story of events, with praise or blame.Rebecca Kelly believes in the latter.After months of traipsing through the wilderness, she and her companions arrive in colonial Boston to bring vengeance against those aiding in the deaths of thei...

  • They thought they were saved. They thought wrong. Sydney Gao has a secret - she's a mermaid. Unfortunately, her mother forbade her from telling anyone and kept Sydney land-locked in the Midwest all her l...

  • Marisa Bourgeois warned Kellen that the Salt tides are ever moving, ever changing, their melody dark and deep. There is no escape for the poor souls drowning in their wake, and he is one of those unfortunates caught in its deadly sway.Kellen doesn’...

  • Life isn’t better under the sea. It’s worse in the Abyss. Kellen Winstel welcomed his death. Enslaved by Selkies, then crippled and left to drown, he never expected to swim or breathe again.His saviors had other plans. An ancient race long feared...

  • Ignorance is bliss . . . it can also get you killed.High school senior Sydney Gao has a secret - she is a mermaid. The only trouble is that her mother forbid Sydney from sharing the family secret with anyone. Everything changed once Sydney learned th...

  • Freedom isn't free.

    Chidi Etienne never asked for a Salted life. Stolen from the surface when she was a girl, Chidi still remembers what freedom felt like before her cruel owner forced her to wear a mystical sealskin and take on the animal...

  • There is always a choice . . .A Selkie slave from the underwater Salt world, Lenny Dolan had no real choice when assigned to lead his crew ashore in search of mysterious runaway, Marisa Bourgeois. Whether failing in his assignment or outright refusal...

  • Can you win a rigged game?A gladiator champion, Kellen Winstel knows what it means to compete and thrive in the underwater Salt world. Yet for all his prowess in the bloodied sands of the arena, Kellen remains a Selkie slave in search of freedom. Wor...

  • Liberty or death.A former Selkie slave and disgraced captain, Lenny Dolan struck out on his own to keep others safe from associating with him and his family name.For all the good it did him . . .Captured by Orcinian brutes, Lenny would again be servi...

  • Everyone has their breaking point . . .Sold into Selkie slavery and forced to become a gladiator, Kellen Winstel has survived everything thrown at him in life and the underwater Salt world.There can only be one true alpha though . . . and Kellen know...

  • Betrayal brings awakening.All that Garrett Weaver wanted was to find his way back to shore and return home to his mother. He never asked to swim in the realm beneath the waves, let alone to become a recruit in service to a cause and crown he didn't b...

  • A former recruit of the elite Painted Guard, Garrett Weaver fled his supposed duty to his people and the realm when the illustrious company he sought to join betrayed him and all those he knew and loved. Garrett barely escaped with his life, and only...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Aaron Galvin has published 17 books.

Aaron Galvin does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Beneath The Salt, was published in February 2021.

The first book by Aaron Galvin, Salted, was published in April 2014.

No. Aaron Galvin does not write books in series.