With One Breath
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Laila's not the type of woman who needs rescuing. Except for a tiny rule-breaking penchant, she's a model CIA agent -- smart, resourceful, brave, and very very determined.. But right now she's in a tight situation -- in more than one way. She's hiding from the Taliban in a network of pitch-dark interlocking caves, so narrow a cat could barely thread its way through them. A cat or an agent trained for it.

And that would be Jase, her designated rescuer.

Once her CIA training agent, he's the last man she'd get involved with, even though he's the hottest guy she's ever met. He's bossy. Intimidating. Way too alpha. And a strict rule follower.

All traits on her ‘no fly' list.

Set against the tense U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, this rapid-fire tale begins with electrifying action, moves on to fast-flying sparks, and never lets up. Laila's on the way to Kabul to leave the country, where she also teaches a class of village girls, when her driver betrays her. She outwits him, but it's only a matter of time till the Taliban track her down.

She's never been so glad to see Jase.

Romance should be the last thing on either's mind as they frantically crawl and slither their way through the claustrophobic caves, desperate to find an exit. Still, infatuation sparks.

And smolders.

But neither can afford to take their eyes off their own goals. Jase's is simple--to rejoin his team and deliver Laila safely to Kabul. But Laila has a more ambitious agenda, one that will require breaking rules, disobeying orders, and endangering the whole team.

Author Watson has a tantalizing knack for turning up the heat by blending seething tension with breakneck action. Readers will also appreciate the first-rate writing, storytelling, and an attention to authenticity that makes you wonder if she's both an experienced spelunker and highly trained spy.

Perfect for fans of J.D. Robb, Barbara Freethy, and Rachel Grant.
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