Wars of the Underworld
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A Paranormal Romance Series.Demons don't get mad-they get even. And with all of hell's magic at their disposal, a demon war is a bloodbath.Before Sadie even understood the depths of her own power, she had to defend it from those who wanted her dead. Powerful and dangerous supernaturals want the amulet around her neck, the amulet that made her Queen of the Underworld, and they will do anything to get it.A war is brewing... and Sadie is caught in the middle of it all.Sadie has wealth, magic, influence, and the love of the four most gorgeous demons alive, but no one in or above the Underworld will let her keep it. She'll have to fight tooth and nail, diving into the darkest depths of her new world to prove she's worthy.The angels are jerks. The demons are smokin' hot. And there are death threats at every turn.Even though she's surrounded by ifrits and witches, Sadie has never felt more at home. With her men at her side, she won't just survive.Damn it all, she'll thrive.Wars of the Underworld is a full-length WhyChoose novel. Get ready for a captivating story, immortal romance, lip-biting love scenes, earth-shatteringly powerful magic, one kickass heroine, four stunning demon princes, lots of toned muscles, fights to the death, and edge-of-your-seat action.READ THE WHOLE SERIESThe Demon Queen Saga: a steamy WhyChoose seriesBook 1: Princes of the UnderworldBook 2: Wars of the UnderworldWarning: the Demon Queen Saga is an adult urban fantasy series with explicit scenes and is meant for adult readers who enjoy steamy romance and lip-biting action.
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2019
    • S. M. Boyce
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1939997828
    • ISBN13: 9781939997821

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