Waking From Her Weariness
The Woman Who Fell Out Of FearBook Two of The Avery Victoria Spencer Fables finds Avery returned from her first inner journey in glorious triumph.Her financial despair has vanished and incredible debts are magically resolved. Avery is beginning to see herself in a new light—and she feels drawn toward George Logan without knowing why; except that he's British, handsome, and seems to know her design preferences intimately.  She feels like a new woman which is sort of wonderful. But change can be terrifying. Avery's high energy has vanished. She couldn't care less about her upcoming holiday gala, which is the highlight of Waukesha's social calendar and keeps her in the public eye. She likes the English stranger, George Logan, and she hasn't been attracted to a man in years. Instead of being more energized and enthusiastic, Avery is stunned that her once relentless energy has evaporated. She's more intuitive and a better bank president, but she doesn't care about previously important activities, including her upcoming charitable winter gala.  Everyone who's anyone in Waukesha is waiting for invites to her now-renowned party, including society columnist Millie St. James who is tracking Avery's every move, and suspects George Logan's arrival is not as serendipitous as it appears. Believing her energy was accidentally left behind on her first journey, Avery asks to return to her inner world. Back in a castle with her beloved candle, she's shocked by how different everything feels—almost sinister. Instead of singing torches, skeletal soldiers hail her as 'Great One.'  Instead of a dungeon, she's trapped in a throne room; instead of regal décor, a grotesque tapestry beckons her.    Avery's second adventure will make her wonder why she returned. Yet, as she braves what confronts her, she begins to see how deeply unworthy she has felt all her life. She will come to a pinnacle from which she must decide her fate.  As her candle melts and falls from her hand, Avery must decide what to do. Will she dance with her nemesis forever, or let herself follow her candle into something she has never known, and uncover more about who she really is?   From the uniquely historic city of Waukesha, Wisconsin comes a story of facing loneliness, forgotten love, and tha courage to transcend a troubled past. A quest for many modern women, The Avery Victoria Spencer Fables are an intimate series of stories that brought the author to an authentic life. Welcome to Book Two.
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