The Treacherous Wife
  • Published:
    Jan-21-2025 (Release)
  • Formats:
    Print / eBook
  • Main Genre:
    General Fiction
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Fast-paced suspense, crime, and romance collide in an explosive new thriller from the urban lit star, featuring a decorated Michigan narcotics and homicide detective, his political superstar second wife, and the murder of a drug kingpin that will unspool a trail of secrets and lies that changes everything.

After the tragic unsolved murder of his beloved wife, Detective Ronald King never thought there'd be more to his life than work. But from the second he meets his city's captivating new mayor, Tabitha Brown, he's drawn in by her lively political savvy, her warm, generous nature -- and her determination to make the city work for everyone. Once he finishes investigating the toughest narcotics case he's ever faced, he'll marry the woman he's grown to love -- and support her as she makes a bound-to-be successful bid for governor . . .

But Ronald hits one frustrating dead end after another trying to track down the killer of the state's most powerful and dangerous drug lord. He's uncovering a chilling lack of evidence. And he's stunned by clues pointing back to Tabitha's high-living nephew. Even worse, he can't seem to make her own mysterious past add up.

As crime surges, Ronald starts putting all the pieces together. But he'll soon have to confront allies turned enemies, treacherous secrets and lies, and a blindsiding truth that will throw everything he's believed into question -- and could leave him with no way out . . .
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    • First Edition
    • Jan-2025
    • Kensington
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1496752260
    • ISBN13: 9781496752260
    • Jan-2025
    • Kensington
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1496752279
    • ISBN13: 9781496752277

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