The Shadow in the Pond
  • Published:
    Mar-2023 (Hardcover)
  • Formats:
    Print / eBook
  • Main Genre:
    General Fiction
  • Pages:
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The Shadows in the Pond is a thrilling adventure novel that takes readers on a journey with Rutherford, a curious and adventurous rabbit. The story follows Rutherford as he discovers strange and ominous shadows lurking beneath the surface of a nearby pond.As Rutherford delves deeper into the mystery, he encounters a cast of unique and memorable characters, including a wise old turtle, a mischievous otter, and a cunning fox. Together, they must unravel the secrets of the pond and confront the dangers that lurk within.The book is written in a descriptive and engaging style, with vivid imagery that brings the forest and pond to life. Eric Martin's masterful storytelling will keep readers on the edge of their seats as they follow Rutherford on his perilous journey.At its core, The Shadows in the Pond is a story about the importance of friendship, courage, and perseverance. Through Rutherford's journey, readers will learn valuable lessons about overcoming obstacles, trusting their instincts, and never giving up, no matter how daunting the challenge.Overall, The Shadows in the Pond is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that will appeal to readers of all ages. Whether you are a fan of adventure, mystery, or simply great storytelling, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression.
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    • First Edition
    • Mar-2023
    • Independently published
    • Paperback

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