The Secret Seduction
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    Historical Romance
  • Time Period:
    European Renaissance (1300-1700) 15th Century 19th Century Regency (1811-1820)
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In this Regency romance novella by USA Today Bestselling author Charlie Lane, one unfortunate proposal, several forbidden books, and an at-home theatrical lead to love. It's impossible to woo a woman who hates you. Isn't it?Allison hates nothing in the world so much as The Lady's Guide to Moral Rectitude, except, of course, Viscount Trevor, the Guide's depiction of perfect British manliness. Allison would rather set the book aflame in Hyde Park than suffer Lord Trevor's attentions. If only he would stop hovering around her!Carter Allworthy, Viscount Trevor knows Allison wants nothing to do with him. He can interpret cutting glares, thank you very much. But her big heart has stolen his own, and far from discouraging him, her glares tempt Carter to reveal his biggest secret. He's not who he appears to be.When he faces losing Allison for good, Carter must decide—keep his secrets and be the perfect man or reveal the truth and become the perfect man for Allison, the kind of man she can love.This lighthearted and steamy enemies to lovers historical romcom is a quick and fun introduction to Charlie Lane's London Secrets series.
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