The Poisons Book Job
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    Paranormal Romance
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Priceless artifact, impossible heist… How can a thief resist? As Myra tries to find her footing in this new world of dragon shifters, one problem clearly stands out above the rest. The dragon king and his dangerous jobs. Avoiding Christopher because of his father proves impossible, though. And when the king offers her yet another job, a heist almost as interesting as it is impossible, she gives in. To both the job, and working with Christopher. Pulling off an impossible theft requires focus, precision, and planning. Precision and planning, Myra has down. Focus… With Christopher around, that focus wavers. Ignoring a seven-foot tall, intimidatingly sexy dragon shifter would challenge even the most determined. Myra's determined. Just not determined enough to stay away from Christopher. But first they have to pull of his father's impossible mission and recover a priceless relic. Without getting caught. And without letting her feelings get in the way.
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