The Perfect Pear
  • Published:
    Jul-03-2024 (Release)
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    Contemporary Romance
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A Sapphic FLETCHER coded second chance romance. River:The last person I ever expected to run into at the LULY concert was the former love of my life, Aspen Wheeler. She was a brand new lesbian artist, and at Madison Square Garden, an arena that must hold more than thousands the chance of us running into each other felt like one in a million.But as she hugs me, all of my old feelings come rising to the surface. It's like the last 4 years never happened, and I wonder what it would be like to stay in her arms forever.  Aspen:Running into River at a LULY concert wasn't on my list of possibilities, but when we hugged it was like no time had past. Which is how I ended up in her bed and waking up the next morning. We both try to play it off like it's nothing, but I can't be the only one feeling something. So when we have the chance to see each other again, of course I take it. I mean, what's the worst that can happen with seeing my first love?  If you love FLETCHER, Sapphic romances, and second chances with your first love, then you'll love this book!
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