The List
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The List is a spy novel that was born from a job offer I received and rejected from a US multinational to make a propaganda campaign in favor of the Russian nuclear energy in North Africa and the Gulf. The List tells what happens when Graziela accepts a similar proposal and signs the contract in St. Petersburg, where she is given a cover as a cosmetics promotion to infiltrate among the upper class families in Tunisia. Spies from Spain, France, Britain, Russia and the United States use The Onion Router, the hacker's network, to follow her, while she tracks the relatives of the scientists on Facebook. A British-Indian informer tries to warn her of the danger, but she misses. Two victims die: a sniper and a British spy. In the outcome, the annual opening of the United Nations will start with cross-accusations between Americans, Russians, and Europeans, requests for international asylum and demonstrations at American universities in favour of asylum seekers.
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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2018
    • Independently published
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1983216887
    • ISBN13: 9781983216886
    • Large Print

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