The Law Of The Desert
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The Law of The Desert is the story of Will Carter, beginning in his twelfth year and continuing into young adulthood. The setting is South West Arizona during the latter half of the 1800's.
Will is a true hero, strong and good, his character is molded by a deep faith in his Creator and a compassion for others. These qualities, when combined with his curiosity and adventuresome spirit, create a story rich in humor and excitement.
The story begins on a Sunday morning when Will and Ben, his best friend smuggle a bad tempered lizard into church and bring the service to an abrupt and chotic halt. Soon after, Will and his friends inadvertently destroy the annual community music night with the help of Ben's dog and a love sick Tom Cat.
Will is big and strong for his age, a natural leader with a strong desire to do what is right. He also has some foibles which add colour to his life and sometimes complicate normal situations, such as his assuming the task of directing the courtship of his widowed mother and Nathan Penny and later their wedding. He turns his first meeting with Becky Sutter, who later becomes his wife, into a comedy of errors as he fights a losing battle to control himself.
Will loves the desert. As he explores it with Nathan and later by himself, he begins to see the lessons it teaches, the mysteries it holds, and the temptations and dangers one must face and defeat if one is to survive.
Will is concerned for the plight of the Indians. As he grows older this concern grows into a determination to help. The Indians respect for Will prompts them to reveal the existence of a hidden valley paradise. Will and his friends prosper in the valley, and all seems to be going well until his old arch enemy ambushes him and leaves him a cripple. Will is forced to review his past and reconsider the basis of his faith. He finally challenges God in an all night battle and demands answers. God reveals himself and His own greatness, and Will is humbled and able to go on with life based on real faith.
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    • Sep-2009
    • Trafford Publishing
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1425192068
    • ISBN13: 9781425192068
    • Sep-2009
    • Trafford Publishing
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1426985274
    • ISBN13: 9781426985270

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