The Journey to Us
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The new Melanie isn't what she seems. On the outside she has the perfect life. A great family. Honor student in college. And, a budding romance to her soul-mate, Brody. Only, nothing is as it ever seems. Melanie has a dark secret that could threaten to ruin her life forever. Enter Cole- the brooding, twenty-two-year-old auto mechanic who was bounced from one foster home to the next all his life. This once womanizer finds himself drawn to the sweet girl who wants nothing to do with him. Now, Melanie finds herself fighting off her feelings for Cole as she trys to keep her secret hidden. In this sweet romance novel, uncover what it means to love unconditionally and how the journey to true love isn't always easy. From the author of Breaking Boundaries, enjoy this spin on Melanie and Cole's story
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