The High School Reunion from Hell
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*A Paranormal Women's Fiction Mystery*All Margie Majors ever wanted was the mythical American dream she was taught to want: a hard-working husband, a house in a place that had neighborhood BBQs, a white picket fence, two kids, and a dog. Instead, she got destiny. Hers was to be a plus-sized, day-drinking, foul-mouthed, bisexual, retired vampire slayer with crushing debt and no idea what to do with the rest of her life.The hard-working husband: Separated.The house: For Sale. The BBQ: Not enough alcohol in the world.The dog: A vampire pitbull named Vlad the Impaler because he humps everything in sight.The two kids: One smart-mouthed stepdaughter named Ryder who… who is actually pretty great.But the rest sucks.And with her twenty-fifth class reunion coming up and nothing to show for it, what's a retired vampire slayer to do? Nothing out of the ordinary. Step in crap like she always does by dancing with her soon to be ex-husband in the high-school gym, literally tripping over a dead body, and making out with a pretty vampire who was once her arch-enemy, and who is most likely the killer.
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    • First Edition
    • May-2021
    • Corvus Corax LLC
    • eBook
    • May-2021
    • Corvus Corax
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Jun-2022
    • ?Corvus Corax LLC
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1948001179
    • ISBN13: 9781948001175

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