The Haunting of a Demon Slayer
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1692 Salem, Demon hunter Thomas Stoughton and his men are hunting the King of all Demons, “Jarius.” They find him possessing the body of 87 year old Mary Bigalow. She is hunted down and killed and the demon is captured. But not before a curse is put on Stoughton that his male descendants and those of his men would be cursed and hunted for eternity. Jarius was placed in a box that was sealed with a crucifix and hid inside Stoughton's very own fireplace. With the intentions of the demon never being released again. But in 2007, the house is sold to the Millers. After learning that their new home may be haunted, they decide to bring out the Ouija board to contact the spirits that reside in their new house. But the only spirit that they can channel is that of Jarius. He leads them to his prison cell within the fireplace and before too long the demon is let loose to bring havoc to the world of the living. And to hunt down and kill the last living male descendants of the men who captured him over 300 years earlier. Stoughton's very own ancestors, FBI agent Peter Stoughton and his older brother John, who is a Catholic priest and performs exorcisms for the church, are on the case to help solve the killings that are being committed in the Boston area. They think that they are chasing a serial killer, but in fact the demon is leading them to their very own graves. The demon is leaving clues that take the brothers from the Lizzy Borden House to The Joshua Ward House and through numerous crime scenes. The brothers have to put the pieces of this puzzle together to solve the case before the killer strikes again. But how do you fight a 16th century demon in a 20th century world. Especially when you don't even know that he is coming after you?
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    • Nov-2018
    • Diamondback Publishers International
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1393292291
    • ISBN13: 9781393292296
    • First Edition
    • Apr-2015
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1511725427
    • ISBN13: 9781511725422
    • Large Print

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