The Genesis Of Chthon Norrin
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Sam, Cyndi, Norrin, Nanci, Wade, and Rachel are best friends. Despite differences in ethnicity, economic background, or even cultural diversity, all came together and cemented unbreakable bonds. These bonds' foundations were built on a common affection for one another, but these six did not come together simply by chance. Each was born with natural abilities, powers, or gifts above and beyond that of the average man or woman. These unusual characteristics united the six all the more. Utilizing their individual and unique abilities, they each strove to make their 1989 home city of Baltimore a safer place for “the good people.” Facing many obstacles in that determination, the group found themselves up against everything from a cunning, self-serving crime boss, to corrupt individuals in government and law enforcement, and even an entirely new race of beings, unlike anything they'd ever encountered before, that evoked fear and terror at a glance. They faced their struggles head on, but along the way learned that power can be veiled in various different vessels, and that, at times, lines between good and evil may not be simply blurred, but altogether out of focus. In the end the lessons learned are immeasurable in significance, but at what cost?
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    • First Edition
    • Oct-2006
    • PublishAmerica
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1424123836
    • ISBN13: 9781424123834

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