The Fun Begins
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Did you ever want an animal to be your friend? Did you want two? If an animal found its way to you, would you want to keep it, talk to it, and play with it (even if you couldn't bring it into the house)? Did you want a quiet, cuddly one. or an active, silly-acting one, or a sneaky, clever one?Well, in The Critter Family: The Fun Begins!, a family with three pets moves from New York to Virginia.  What begins as a family including a retired racehorse, a greyhound dog, and a cat, ends with the addition of five more critters. One-by-one, these five critters find their way into the family's activities. They join the pets in what becomes the critter family. From being discovered to being rescued, the critters find a lifestyle of fun, friendship, safety, and service to the whole family! This is the first book in a series.Plus, you will find a description page at the end of each chapter describing the real characteristics and a character description of each critter up to that point.
People / Creatures
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