The Find of Roxanne Wilkinson
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The Find of Roxanne Wilkinson
By Mori A. Eagleson

This is the third short story by this author. In this mystery adventure, everyone is split up and on their own. The Wilkinson twins are split far apart with one in Chicago and the other in Mexico City. One is on a romantic adventure that will change her life, and the other is on an adventure that could cost her life.
Ben Anderson, Rocki Wilkinson's boyfriend, has flown her dad out east where he has enrolled in a seminar he has wanted to take for a long time. While he is there, he has “cut the boys loose” giving them time off for the weekend. Ben went up to Washington DC to see his brother, Dr. Andrew Anderson, a top veterinarian and meet his assistant, Dr. Andrea Bailey.
Dr. Anderson's clinic has become world renown since he has perfected a treatment to heal horses' legs and Dr. Bailey had helped build the small animal clinic. He is learning as much about her as he can but she has one area that she refuses to talk about. What is it? Why doesn't she want to talk about it? To her, he is the world and she would do anything for him, but she just can't bear to have him learn about her past. What would she do if he found out and then rejected her?
While history is indeed important to learn, some people can really bury themselves in it. Ben and Andy's little sister is one of them. Working on her doctorate in Archeology, she has discovered what might be a secret key hole in one of the Mexican Pyramids. While showing it to Rocki, something shiny catches their eye in the jungle. The ladies have to discover what it is and what they find is the beginning of a dangerous adventure that takes them into far away countries and to unimaginable secret places.
What is the find? What secret does it hold? Who really is this Andie Bailey? What life changing event happens in Chicago? All these questions and more can be discovered within the pages of this book.
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2011
    • Eagleson Enterprises
    • eBook
    • Feb-2011
    • Eagleson Enterprises
    • eBook (Kindle)

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