The Bimbos of Bane
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"Ricky may have been a low-down, two-timing, cheating, bottom-dwelling, soul-sucking, snake in the grass, but that didn't mean I wanted him dead."
When part-time D.J. Marty Sheffield's former fiancee, (and current country music superstar) Ricky Ray Riley's car is found upside down in a ravine, Marty knows things are going to be bad. What she isn't prepared for is the mayhem and madness those Bimbos of Bane - Destiny, Chance, and Lady Luck - have in store for her, especially when two of Ricky's crazy fans decide that Marty's behind Ricky Ray's disappearance, and Hollywood's hottest, and sloppiest, actress seems to have moved in with Marty and her cat, Delbert. Things go from bad to worse for Marty when a guest on her radio show drops dead seconds before air-time. Will Marty be able to figure out what's going on before it's too late and she loses everything that's dear to her?
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