The Beachcomber's Buccaneer Bounty
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    Paranormal Romance
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    18th Century Contemporary
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Will past secrets destroy their future?

Former Detective Leda Bellini, AKA Lisa Belmont, has had enough of witness protection. Determined to start a new life on her terms, she shifts into her swan form, ditches her security detail, and heads to Moon Mist manor, a resort island in Cat's Paw Cove, Florida. Somehow, the owner knows her true identity and has been expecting her. Leda is blown away (literally) when she finds herself and a mysterious cat named Davy transported back in time to the year 1717 and into the arms of a pirate with hypnotic emerald eyes. Being trapped in the past may be just the sort of adventure she's been yearning for.

Disgraced Royal Navy Captain Drake Reid misread a command during the Jacobite rebellion that cost him everything. His only shot at redemption is to pose as a pirate and retrieve the magical Avalon roses for the king. Blown off course by a storm, his ship misses St. Augustine where the Spanish are rumored to have brought the priceless treasure. Further complicating the matter is the scandalously underdressed woman who appeared out of nowhere and is now hiding aboard his ship.

Leda finds herself drawn to the enigmatic, Iliad-quoting pirate. On the cusp of achieving his goal, Drake is betrayed, and he and his crew are taken captive. Can Leda recover the Avalon roses before they're executed? Or is their fate already sealed?
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