The Battle for Castle Cockatrice
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What do you get when you cross a bunch of odious toads and ornery fire-breathing birds with one parrot, a distressed dragon, a group of weasels, a troop of mermaids, a herd of unicorns, a band of gryphons, and three children?

When Penelope, Simon, and Peter go to the beach, they get a surprise they'll never forget. A package washes ashore and begins to speak! The children open it up to reveal a talking parrot and spider who were kidnapped and sent away. Their home is Mythologia, where sunrise takes place all day long and magical creatures like Mooncalves and Will-o'-the-Wisps lived peacefully--until the evil Cockatrices decided to take over. And now the new rulers are threatening to turn it into a land of cruelty and fear. It's only a matter of time before the Cockatrices become all powerful. So with the help of a counterspy toad, Penelope, Simon, and Peter decide to do everything they can to help overthrow the wicked birds. But will they be able to survive a trip to Mythologia's scariest places and defeat the evil Cockatrices?
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    • Jul-1999
    • HarperTrophy
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 0064407802
    • ISBN13: 9780064407809

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