The Banker
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My name's Isaac D'Amico and I'm the banker behind Starling Key.I'm also the proud owner of: - An IQ of 159, one digit lower than Albert Einstein- An esteemed career with the CIA- And an MBA in romancing rich, married, unattainable womenIn a nutshell, I have better things to do than provide the security detail for a nineteen-year-old pop star.Unfortunately, the minute I see Aurelia Bird getting out that car looking every inch the multi-million dollar sign her parents treat her as, my head has other plans. In that split second I become an unofficial guardian, a father figure, a protector.That's ok, as long as it doesn't interrupt my pursuit of rich, lonely, insatiable housewivesThat's ok, until, for some inexplicable reason, I don't want to do that anymoreThat's ok, until her superstar ex comes back for a second chanceAnd that's ok too, until she gives him oneI'm Isaac D'Amico, and I'm in love with someone fifteen years my junior. Someone I should be protecting.But the closer we become, and the more about her I learn, the more obsessed I get. Until it's crystal clear the person she really needs protecting from, is me.This age gap romance brings the heat to the Florida Keys against a backdrop of luxury and suspense.
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    • Jul-2022
    • January James
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1739865758
    • ISBN13: 9781739865757

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