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An entertaining new murder mystery from best selling British author Helen Smith.

Twenty-six-year-old amateur sleuth Emily Castles helps out at a local stage school run by her neighbour Victoria in London. As parents and prospective new pupils turn up at the end of term show - where prizes will be handed out by eccentric philosophy professor Dr. Muriel and famous romance novelist Morgana Blakely - Emily deals with a blackmail threat and two deaths, before teaming up with the guests of honour to try to prevent a massacre happening live on stage.

The funny lines will keep you giggling as you race through this madcap story to discover whether Emily and her friends will triumph over disaster.

Readers of M C Beaton or Alexander McCall Smith will enjoy discovering a new author in this entertaining British mystery series.

Chosen as a Favorite Book of the Year by Julie's Book Reviews.

This short mystery is a standalone story set in London. The Emily Castles mysteries can be read in any order.

PRAISE FOR SHOWSTOPPERS It's a confection of intriguing characters and situations. The small details that season the story keep the reader turning the pages. The cleverly written story shows a deep understanding of human motivations and reactions, even as it reveals a sense of how ridiculous people can be. Dive in to 'Showstoppers' when you have time to relish every line. You'll be glad you did. Mary Beth Magee, Yahoo Voices

Emily Castles is one character you cannot help but fall in love with! Julie's Book Reviews

Helen Smith has created a great little cozy series with the charming Emily Castles. Criminal Element

Very funny indeed... There seems to be a winning line on every page. The Bookbag
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    • First Edition
    • May-2013
    • Tyger Books
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 0956517064
    • ISBN13: 9780956517067

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