Second Thoughts
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    Apr-2009 (Hardcover)
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A Romantic Comedy With a Twist

In a refreshing and fun switch, some not so ordinary people rescue a superhero instead of the other way around.

When Max and his brother are cheated out of an early edition of a SteelMan comic book, which is a valuable collector's item, neither the police nor a lawyer can help. (The other guy has possession which means Max has zilch.) So they enlist the aid of their friend, Moose, to help recover the book in a scheme as extraordinary as it is risky -- coercing the swindler into returning the magazine by repeatedly robbing the convenience store he owns, forcing him out of business if they have to.

Meanwhile, Derek and Connie have been divorced for two years, but he has second thoughts and is trying to win her back. And the five people, plus fourteen-month-old twins and their five-year-old brother, are on a collision course.

In order to make his pitch, Derek pushes himself in while Connie's babysitting his brother's kids. He takes everybody fishing, they run out of gas, have to go hiking and run smack into the gang of three.

Though they end up kidnapped, it quickly becomes evident that their captors are, in reality, the good guys. Then when the swindler still doesn't cooperate, calling the police instead of caving, Max and group have to back off and head for Mexico.

And then things really start hopping when Connie concocts her own plan of how to rescue SteelMan.
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    • First Edition
    • Apr-2009
    • Five Star
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 1594147728
    • ISBN13: 9781594147722

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