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“Marcia located the Larutan B2 planet in our solar system so we paid them a visit. We cruised around for two days blowing up their cities with the ion cannons, the mini nukes and unloaded the last of your poison, Sam,” answered Rex.
“Then there will be no need for the Nest to ever visit the B2 planet in this galaxy. Marcia, come on over to the table on my exposed cavern wall and I will refill your tank with my special Larutan cocktail. I have produced gallons of the virus now,” ordered the young scientist.
“I will obey in a few minutes Samantha. There is some very important information I discovered on our visit that you and Big Daddy need to review and Chris also needs to be involved in analyzing what I have brought back. Time is of the essence,” replied Marcia.
Everyone looked at each other with concern written all over their faces. This statement from this particular war bike was very alarming to the members of the Nest.
“If you hook up my serial cable to your new super computers from your father and the two Pops I can download this information quickly for you to analyze,” said the war bike.
Chris retrieved the serial cable from Marcia and hooked the wire into one of the serial ports on Samantha's super computer. The massive download from the war bike took less than ten seconds.
“Wow Marcia, that was really quick for such a large download! You piggy backing your data?” asked Samantha.
“Yes Samantha, just like you do,” answered Marcia.
Samantha just grinned and shook her head. This particular war bike always tried to be one step ahead of the young scientist. At the same time Marcia transmitted through her micro wave generator the same information to the android Big Daddy who was sitting at his desk as in a trance while receiving the massive amount of data.
“This is very interesting information daughter. I will save you some valuable time to tell you what the Rexes and Marcia have discovered. As we all know there is a massive Larutan invasion force headed to Earth that has been in warp drive for five years ever since Rex defeated the first small Larutan armada he encountered in Miami. This new invasion force is going to pass directly through a solar system named OGLE-2006-BLG-109L in approximately sixty days on their journey to Earth. That is assuming they have stopped periodically on their journey to correct their course and restock their war ships. The lizards could arrive at this OGLE-2006-BLG-109L solar system sooner than that,” said Big Daddy.
“Ogle is the name Pop. Let's keep it short. We don't have to be so technical do we?” asked T-Rex with a sigh.
“Okay. Ogle it is son.” replied Big Daddy.
“Why would this concern the Nest Daddy? Why should we care?” asked Samantha.
“Well daughter, this Ogle solar system has been identified by Earth scientists for many years as one most likely to contain life similar to our own. According to the information Marcia retrieved the Larutans confirm that there is humanoid life on one of the planets in that solar system and they plan on stopping there to replenish their food supply. We on Earth are the reason the Larutan invasion force will be visiting the solar system and that particular planet. You may draw your own logical conclusions,” answered Big Daddy.
Chris had been silent during this conversation. Finally he spoke.
“How far away is this Ogle system Big Daddy?”
“The Ogle system exists in the Sagittarius Constellation four thousand and nine hundred light years away from Earth which is a hop, skip and jump for us with the wormhole generators,” answered Big Daddy.
“Now wait a minute everyone! We don't know what is in the solar system. The Larutans scouts reported there were humanoids there. What does that mean Big Daddy?” asked T-Rex.
“Basically that means they are a lot like you. They should be warm blooded mammals in all probability with possibly some different attributes. The question that needs to be answered is how far has their civilizations progressed.
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    • Apr-2018
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1717184340
    • ISBN13: 9781717184344
    • Large Print

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