Return to Life
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Lost for five years, Dr. Marcus Markum returns home to Sars Springs and his family. Trying to make sense of his feelings and relationships with the living and the dead, his family gathers around him for support. Terry and Raina try one last attempt to save their marriage and the rest of their family.When an explosion echoes through the town, destroying the Sars Springs Cemetery, the family of Sars Springs must deal with the death of their loved ones all over again. Discovery of secrets and live bodies supply more questions than answers, as Raina revels in the return of long dead relatives.The ancient past comes to play when the unspeakable happens and the hidden truth of the past rocks the entire town. Will Raina and Terry be able to finally be on track? How will the secrets of the past affect each family member? Is the return of long-lost loved ones a hoax or are they finally home in more than just a spirit?
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