Passionate Retribution 4
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    Police Procedural
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Carly Marshall, local Private Investigator and former detective with the NYPD co-owns her private investigation firm with her partner, former NYPD Detective, Leo Travers. Two years ago, Carly lost her husband to murder, but lately, she’s been seeing signs of him. Her family and friends are concerned that she’s jumped head-first into denial until they start seeing the signs as well.When Edna, owner of the local diner that Carly and her family frequents, asks for Carly’s help to find her missing son, the case becomes more than she or Leo bargained for.Is Elliot alive? And will Carly and Leo find the answers they seek even when agents from both the FBI and Homeland Security are very interested in a simple missing persons case?When one simple case explodes, many lives will be shaken.
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