Out of the Blue
  • Published:
    Jun-21-2024 (Release)
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    Contemporary Romance
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When pilot Riley Lafleur's unexpected layover takes an unforeseen turn with a wild bear encounter, she finds herself grappling with the wild's mysteries. Just as uncertainty looms, local hero Wyatt St. Clair steps in, igniting a spark of gratitude and curiosity in Riley's heart. Wyatt St. Clair's routine maple tree check becomes a moment of unexpected heroism. Witnessing a tourist's peril, Wyatt rushes to her aid, only to find himself met with suspicion. Nonetheless, he cannot deny an instant attraction to her. Separated by thousands of miles, Riley and Wyatt's paths converge in the heart of Whiskey Springs, where a chance encounter blossoms into unforeseen bonds. Will they unravel the mysteries of fate and forge a connection that transcends distance, or will the secrets of the maple-scented town keep them forever apart? Find out in Out of the Blue where courage and fate come together in an unforgettable tale of romance.
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    • First Edition
    • Jun-2024
    • KST Publishing
    • eBook

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