Of Mist and Memory
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Sydney Richmond has a plan. She always has a plan. After a decade of working in the tech world and saving every penny, she’s going to pursue her dream of buying a Scottish island. The only problem is the one she’s chosen, Oorlich Isle, is haunted by a Highlander who appears and disappears without warning. He may have frightened off all the previous owners, but Sydney doesn’t scare quite as easily. She’s spent her life’s savings on her dream and no one is going to get in her way, not even ghostly Graham Munro.Graham is angry. His murder back in the year 1650 has left his island a sorry sight and the thriving little community he’d once overseen has long since disappeared. He wants Oorlich returned to its former glory and if Sydney plans on staying, she must fix it. The castle is in ruins and the run-down cottages all need her attention, but so does the ghost of Graham Munro who feels a deep connection with the lass although he has no idea why.A violent storm transports Sydney back to a time just prior to Graham’s murder. He’s no longer a ghost but is now a man who touches her heart. She doesn’t have much time to change the path of history. She’ll have to work fast if she’s to solve the mystery of Graham’s death and save the man she’s come to love before it’s too late.
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