Of Angels & Rolling Pins
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Jackie Gould's third novel based on family history is both sweeping and intimate. It is the story of Jennifer, a young woman who returns to her hometown to help her Aunt Bessie pack up her things and move. Jenny finds more than the simple visit home she'd imagined. Aunt Bessie's antique collection of rolling pins starts her on a journey of discovery that she had not planned taking. Each rolling pin has a story: of an honor-bound teenage sailor in World War II; of a family man who volunteered his life for the Civil War; of Aunt Bessie herself, whose own long life has been filled with love, joy, heartbreak, and pain. These stories compel Jenny to examine the loose ends in her own life. Jenny moves out her aunt's antiques while her family's history moves in on her.
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    • Aug-2011
    • Acacia Publishing, Inc.
    • eBook (Kindle)

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