Moving On
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In a small town, big hearts can heal even the deepest wounds.Still reeling from the unexpected death of her parents, Charlotte Benson is whisked away by her aunt to the charming small town of Greenwood, Kansas.Without the comforting foundation of her mother and their adventurous life together, Charlotte's future is now a blank canvas. A fairytale romance with Bryce, the local farmer's all-American football-loving son, might be just the touch of traditional stability Charlotte needs to help her rediscover her place in this world.But when the town's resident billionaire returns home from a long sabbatical, his life of culture and travel reminds Charlotte of everything she's lost. Along with the mysterious man comes the realization that even without her mother, this life might still have some adventures to offer. Will Charlotte have the courage to face her grief and search for them?---Moving On is a clean, heartwarming tale of friendship and love that will leave you yearning for more. With its slow-burn romance and relatable characters, this charming start to the Greenwood trilogy will take you on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and finding joy in the unexpected.
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