Mission Child
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Young Janna has lived her fourteen years on the icy northern plains of a world that has for-gotten its history. Now the arrival of alien offworlders--identical in appearance to her own kind but far different in thought and culture--has violently upset the fragile balance of a developing civilization. The Earthers' advanced technology and cruel indifference to local life have brought despair and destruction to Janna's home, robbing her of family, husband, child . . . self. But with the cataclysmic end of everything she has ever known comes the opportunity--unsought and unwanted--for rebirth.
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    • First Edition
    • Nov-1999
    • Eos
    • Mass Market Paperback
    • ISBN: 0380791226
    • ISBN13: 9780380791224
    • Dec-1998
    • Eos
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 0380974568
    • ISBN13: 9780380974566

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