Mine to Protect
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What happens when the veteran K9 handler goes to Texas to protect his deployed battle buddy's sister from men intent on taking the family bar? My brother is an overbearing a--hat who wants to control my life without actually being a part of my life. What's worse? He successfully does it from seven thousand miles away where I can't get into his face and unleash ten years of anger and frustration. Instead he sends the hottest man to ever grace our pissant town to butt into my business, which currently includes two very dangerous men intent on buying my roadside bar—which is not for sale. Karden Billings might be a badass military K9 handler, but he doesn't want nor need my special brand of problems. Still, since he's here, I see no reason not to seduce a night of pleasure out of my brother's best friend and then send him on his way. That'll be a twofer for me. One, I'll get a couple of mind-blowing orgasms out of it and two, it'll piss Saint off. Win-Win. Except, Karden sees through my BS and has the kind of control I lack, refusing to leave town without me no matter how many sexual innuendos I throw his way. After he meets the men threatening me, he's even more determined to protect me, even from myself. He wants to make me his, but demands one thing from me—a promise I'm not sure I can keep, especially when my brother Saint comes home. When the inevitable fight breaks between me and my brother, will Karden pick me or his best friend? !! Formerly published as Big, Bad & Broken - January 2023!!
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2024
    • Snuggle Whore Press, LLC
    • eBook
    • Feb-2024
    • Snuggle Whore Press, LLC
    • eBook

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