"The story of a small group of people coping with difficult survival conditions following the United States' total economic collapse continues in this third book in Nova's American Apocalypse series. At the end of the last installment, Freya had led Gardener and his friends (Night, Ninja, Max, and Shelli) into an abandoned coal mine to hide out from the violent outpouring of people desperately trying to escape the Washington DC area. Autumn passes and their story resumes near winter's end. Gardener and his friends emerge from the mine and must come to grips with the horrors that took place while they were in safe hiding. Throughout the following months, they gather more and more people to them, growing from their small, tight band to a large Horde traveling across the country to a new home."
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    • Nov-2010
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1456406426
    • ISBN13: 9781456406424

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