Mater Ves
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CLOSE NOT YOUR EYES ON MATER VES.The Outpost, an intergalactic consortium of planets, locates a potential planet for expansion and materials, but previous explorers disappear overnight. To investigate, the Outpost sends a highly trained team led by Commander Rosek, a Zenith survivor, who is known for his lethal way of dealing with situations. Other members of the team who tumble headfirst into a realm of horror include Arch Legathes, a Hynibrian noble, Master Mech Ptol from the Gurrusho wolf tribes, renowned archaeologist Dr. Nekang, the highly skilled forensic pathologist Cold Rib named Yalena, and Xool the Xo'Wak cartographer. As they delve deeper into the events that took place on Mater Ves, they realize there is no possibility of return unless they can discover the enemy among them. What lies on Mater Ves cannot spread.
People / Creatures
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    • Dec-2022
    • Independently published
    • Trade Paperback

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