Lady Marianne and the Captain
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    Historical Romance
  • Time Period:
    19th Century Regency (1811-1820) Victorian (1837-1901)
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A slow burn Regency romance you won't soon forget!Lady Marianne Sedgewick is a confirmed bookworm.She loves a puzzle, but needs little acumen to deduct that the three suitors buzzing around her are more interested in her father's money than Marianne herself.No matter that she hates every bit of the hypocrisy of the ton, she must endure. She is not given to fits of fancy or inanities in conversation. Still, Society dictates that she must be very brave and venture into the insipid conversation of her peers.But the truth is, Marianne is peerless.Captain Andrew Larkin is a man of action.Decorated for valor, the very air around him seems to hum with energy. The captain knew unequivocally that he could never be contented with a settled, stationary existence, and it would be monstrously unfair to take a wife and then leave her to live a solitary life for the majority of her time. He saw firsthand the struggles that married officers in active duty faced, and the misery that so many of their wives endured. He would not do that to a genteel lady of quality.Such a delicate flower would wilt with the smell of gunfire and blood, to say nothing of his own passion.When the captain meets Lady Marianne Sedgewick, he assumes she is such a flower.But trouble follows in the guise of spies and villains, to say nothing of an entirely bemusing young ward of whom the captain unexpectedly gains charge. The captain soon finds his enigmatic lady has turned into an unlikely heroine, protecting her country as well as her younger sister and his ward.But who is protecting his heart?Although part of a series, all of Isabella Thorne's novels are standalone stories and can be read in any order.If you like powerful heroines, dastardly villains and dashing, mysterious gentlemen, then you'll adore Isabella Thorne! Enjoy all her Regency romance books – HEA full of passion, adventure and love against the odds. 
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