It's a Brewtiful Day
  • Published:
    Oct-06-2024 (Release)
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  • Main Genre:
    Contemporary Romance
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Welcome back to The Coffee Loft, where a new round of stories has been brewed especially for you.Those of you stopping by to visit again, we’ve missed you. The feeling of home is the same that you loved before. If it’s your first time, prepare to be swept off your feet.While our menu hasn’t changed, we think you’ll be pleased with the fall favorites we’ve added. Fans of pumpkin spiced lattes, peppermint mochas, and rich, chocolaty cocoas will not be disappointed. This multi-author collection of stand-alone sweet romcoms is filled to the brim with the swoons you love and adore.From sweet kisses to grand gestures and matchmaking surprises, each mug and story will be filled with everything you crave. So come on in and let us serve you with that happy ever after you’ve come to expect.Mark your calendars—Cover Reveals coming this fall.
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