If You Ever Change Your Mind
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Lucas Berry has never been the type to take the traditional route with anything in his life. Even when he considers it, life throws him a curveball that causes him to take an entirely different path. The last curveball, a pregnant friend with benefits, caused Lucas to make an illegal move that led to his sister, Luana, being bound to Jaxon Jeffries. At first meeting Jaxon, Lucas considers him to be a man that will never be worthy of his respect and admiration, but there is one thing that Jaxon shares with Lucas that changes his life forever â€" the importance of choosing a wife instead of letting something as reckless and irrational as love choose one for you. Hali Davison has never been the type to step out of the traditional route with anything in her life. Even when she considers it, life throws her a curveball that causes her to return to the safe, predictable path she grew up on. The last curveball, finding out the man she's loved all of her life practically was getting married to a woman that wasn't her, has Hali reconsidering her safe and predictable lifestyle. If her last chance at letting Lucas know how she really feels for him is at his wedding… so be it. Lucas is stuck between doing the right thing and following his heart. His childhood has made it difficult for him to believe that true love exists, which is a great deal of the reason why he's fought his feelings for Hali over the years. With his natural hair product line reaching heights he never thought were possible, Lucas is determined to secure his life mate now before his money, power and status make it impossible to choose a woman who wants him for him and not who he is and what he has. There's just one question he's faced with on the day of his wedding; is that woman Shanice, the woman responsible for giving him his first child, or Hali, the woman responsible for giving him his first taste of love â€" no matter how much he thought he didn't want it. *Please note, Lucas and Hali first appear in “Just Say You Love Me”. While their story can be read on its own, it is suggested that you read about their backgrounds in “Just Say You Love Me” first.
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    • First Edition
    • Aug-2017
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1974525260
    • ISBN13: 9781974525263
    • Aug-2017
    • B. Love Publications
    • eBook (Kindle)

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