If I Fall
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He has no intention of falling for anyone - he's duty bound.

Sully, Special Agent James Sullivan, to give him his full title, is on his way to Hope Falls. He's going to visit an old friend, but he couldn't tell you why. If pushed, he'd say that he had some time off after his boss and friend died, and he didn't know what else to do with himself. He probably wouldn't tell you that Patrick's death has left him wondering if there shouldn't be more to life than his FBI career.

She has no intention of falling for anyone - she's carefree.

Jess Archer lives in her motorhome and travels the country as a freelance photographer. She can wander as she pleases and she loves that. There may be no one in the world who knows or cares where she is from one day to the next, but that's a good thing, not a sad thing. Or so she tells herself. Still, she's thrilled at the chance to visit someone who does care about her, her old friend Tessa.

When Sully and Jess meet sparks fly, but will the magic of Hope Falls be enough to bring together two people who have no intention of falling in love?

This book is intended for readers age 18 +

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WARNING: This title was originally published in Melanie Shawn's Hope Falls Kindle World. Elements of the world, including characters, are used with permission.

It's the only one of SJ's books so far that isn't part of one of her ongoing series.

Summer Lake Series
In the original Summer Lake Series each book can be read as a stand alone â€" no cliff hangers here! Each book contains one couple's story. However, they are best read in order to get full enjoyment of the underlying story and friendships.

Book 1: Love Like You've Never Been Hurt - Emma and Jack
Book 2: Work Like You Don't Need the Money - Pete and Holly
Book 3: Dance Like Nobody's Watching - Missy and Dan
Book 4: Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded - Smoke and Laura
Book 5: Laugh Like You've Never Cried - Michael and Megan
Book 6: Sing Like Nobody's Listening - Kenzie and Chase
Book 7: Smile Like You Mean It - Gabe and Renée
Book 8: The Wedding Dance - Missy and Dan's Wedding
Book 9: Chasing Tomorrow - Ben's backstory with Charlotte
Book 10: Dream Like Nothing's Impossible - April and Eddie
Book 11: Ride Like You've Never Fallen - Nate and Lily
Book 12: Live Like There's No Tomorrow - Ben's story
Book 13: The Wedding Flight â€" Smoke and Laura's Wedding

Summer Lake Seasons
The Summer Lake Seasons series is a return to the small town readers fell in love with. It features new couples as they meet and fall and love, and gives a chance to catch up with old friends.

Take These Broken Wings
Is the first in the series - there are several more to come.

Remington Ranch series
Meet the sexy brothers of Remington Ranch! Just like in SJ's Summer Lake Romance series you can expect a story that is both sweet and steamy!

Four Weddings and a Vendetta

A Chance and a Hope series
These are NOT meant to be read as standalone stories and need to be read in order.

Book 1: Chance Encounter
Book 2: Finding Hope
Book 3: Give Hope a Chance

The Hamiltons Series
This series follows the Hamilton family in California wine country. If you recognize the name Hamilton it's because this is Smoke's family who own one of the largest wine growing and distribution businesses in the country. In this set of connected stand-alone books you will meet Smoke's brother and sister as well as a couple of cousins.

Red Wine and Roses
Champagne and Daisies
Marsala and Magnolias
Prosecco and Peonies

The Davenports Series
The latest series featuring Hope's cousins, the sexy brothers, of the Billionaire Davenport family.

Click on any of the links above to see more books like this one.

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    • First Edition
    • Dec-2018
    • Xenion, Inc
    • eBook
    • Dec-2018
    • Xenion, Inc
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Dec-2018
    • Xenion, Inc
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1946220485
    • ISBN13: 9781946220486

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