Hunter's Home // Prey
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They say you can never go home. That's something CJ Reamer has long believed. So, when her father suddenly appears on her doorstep, demanding she return home to Montana to “do her duty”, she has other plans. Montana hasn't been home for a long time, almost as long as Benjamin Franklin Reamer quit being her father. Dallas is now her home and it's where her heart is. The only problem is her father doesn't like taking “no” for an answer. When her lover and mate is shot and she learns those responsible come from her birth pride and clan, CJ has no choice but to return to the home she left so long ago. At least she won't be going alone. Clan alphas Matt and Finn Kincade aren't about to take any risks where their friend is concerned. Nor is her mate, Rafe Walkinghorse, going to let her go without him. Going home means digging up painful memories and family secrets. But will it also mean death " or worse " for CJ and her friends?
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    • First Edition
    • Jul-2014
    • Hunter's Moon
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 0692249907
    • ISBN13: 9780692249901

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