His Little Psychopath
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Beware the beast who promises to burn down the world for you. He might just burn you down with it...They called me a psycho. A ticking time bomb with a temper hot enough to catch fire.The night I finally detonated? I didn't burn.I summoned a monster.A terrifying, sinfully hot beast from another realm, drawn to my violence like the proverbial moth to a flame.He saved me that night. Now, he's determined to help me finish what I started: taking down the the mafia kingpins who murdered my parents.My obsession with revenge is nothing compared to the monster's obsession with me.He's even more dangerous than my enemies. A wicked beast who'll torch the world to protect what's his.But accepting his protection means surrendering to his darkest, most depraved fantasies—a monstrous passion that threatens to derail my quest for vengeance and consume me, body and soul.A smart woman would run.So why am I still craving his filthy touch?They called me a psycho. Turns out they were right.HIS LITTLE PSYCHOPATH is book one in the Monstrous Obsessions trilogy, a series of standalone paranormal romances featuring three sisters on the run from the mafia kingpins who murdered their parents... and the vicious, depraved, red-hot monsters obsessed with protecting them. Shadows, horns, and tails will ensure our girls are always satisfied... as long they're willing to submit to their monster's darkest passions. For maximum enjoyment, series should be read in order.
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2023
    • Two Gnomes Media
    • eBook
    • Feb-2023
    • Two Gnomes Media
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Feb-2023
    • Two Gnomes Media
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1948455722
    • ISBN13: 9781948455725

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