Heart of Huntress
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    Paranormal Romance
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A legend…a myth…a high stakes game that could shatter them both.As one of the oldest surviving vampire hunters in the Foundation, Lana has learned the toughest lesson: success comes at a price. So while the yummy stranger she bumps into at Caesar's trips all her temptation switches, duty comes first. Better to be alone than to gamble with someone else's heart -- or her own. Although maybe a one-night stand won't hurt…Byron has set a one-way course for revenge against the Vegas vampire who murdered his uncle. When he collides with Lana, though, her scent calls to him like a potent aphrodisiac. The only explanation: she's his true-mate. And the timing couldn't be worse. He can't afford any distractions -- not to mention it'll be hell convincing her to love someone who sprouts fur and fangs every full moon.One drink together turns into a daring night of passion. Their erotic interlude ends abruptly with the news that Lana's partner has been abducted by the very vampire Byron seeks. Now Byron has no choice. He must reveal what he is and risk a rejection that could spell his own destruction…Warning: Contains a hot and steamy taxi ride, wild sex you want to sink your teeth into, and a shower at the Venetian that may need to be closed for repairs until further notice.
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    • First Edition
    • Mar-2018
    • Crista McHugh
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1946620165
    • ISBN13: 9781946620163

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