Ghetto Flowers Dark & Light
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Ghetto Flowers Dark & Light is the story of inner city youth from the ethnically diverse South Philadelphia neighborhoods. The unfolding of their lives reveals the full spectrum of the adolescent experience. These intriguing, delightful characters ride the tide of change brought about by the nationwide social and political turmoil of the late 1960's and early 1970's. Change sweeps through their community, requiring them to blossom or wither as they are tossed into the darkness of inner city realities. The challenges that were partially brought about by the civil rights movement and the Vietnam war bring them face-to-face with racism and violence. They must find a way to break through prejudice and ignorance and grow into the light of self-awareness that will lead them to personal freedom. The powerful influences of the counter-culture phenomenon with its philosophical mantra of peace and love, which rode the wave of rock and roll music, seeps its way into their lives, providing an opportunity to view the world and themselves in a radically new light. The New Jersey seashore becomes the sanctuary where the battle-scarred Ghetto Glowers search for new meaning and purpose, and create a circle of friends that provide the necessary sustenance to feed their growing hearts and minds. These young people demonstrate remarkable resilience and intellectual acuity in discovering the transforming power of love, liberating their minds as they learn the value of true friendship and experience romance. Join the Ghetto Flowers on their journey of self-discovery and learn from their experiences.
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    • First Edition
    • May-2012
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1490435077
    • ISBN13: 9781490435077
    • May-2009
    • Francis Oliver Lynn
    • eBook (Kindle)

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