Friends from the Edge
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    Print / eBook / Audio
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    Psychological Suspense
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A missing teenage boy. Three friends who know what happened. A secret they swear never to tell. Until the secret comes back to haunt them...thirty years later. Jack, Matt, Cassie, and Lisa are four friends growing up on "The Edge," a cul-de-sac in the 80s. The alpha male, the lucky one, the goody-two shoes, and the glamorous hottie that all the boys want. On the outside, they seem to have it all. Yet inside, the teens are shattered in pieces. It is their unbreakable friendship with each other that prevents them from falling apart. Until the one night when tragedy is set forth into motion by their actions, leaving one of the four dead...and missing. The remaining three swear to never speak of that night again...or to each other. They go their separate ways, hoping to bury their mistakes and the past. Thirty years later, one of the friends gets an ominous message. Someone is digging into their past and threatening to expose their secret. Who is it and what do they really want? Is their secret the only thing that isn't safe, or are their lives in danger, too?
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2018
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1983907421
    • ISBN13: 9781983907425

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