End of the War
Every war has a beginning and an end. One quiet day, a stranger who claims to be Margarita’s friend from the colony shows up and asks them to join the final series of battles to end the Great War once and for all. Upon their arrival on Draconia, Margarita meets someone from her past – a past that she’s not proud of. As the Rebels and the Empire fight each other to death, the G-Force has intentions of their own. What link does Margarita have with the G-Force? Can Terry get her out of it in time?After a century of war, it is finally over. The Intergalactic War, called the Great War by many, has taken countless lives. The brave Rebels who sacrificed their lives so that this day can come…those who know one day the war will end, but did not know when…will be remembered forever as heroes. As heroes of heroes.Masadonion surrendered, along with Macedonion, Draconia, and Armenia. Even the heart of the Dark Empire, Murai, has settled down. But who knows what they’re scheming over there? Did they really surrender, or is it just a plot to have the Rebels let their guard down? How long will this long-awaited, long-deserved peace last?Only the future can tell.
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